Returning a record from a definition in Coq


Suppose I've got a record that contains two nats.

Record toy := {
    num1 : nat;
    num2 : nat

I want to build a definition that given two nats returns a record containing those two nats.

Definition args_to_toy_record (n1 : nat) (n2 : nat) : toy :=
  (* { num1 = n1; num2 = n2} ?? *)

Unfortunately, the official documentation only seems to cover the simpler cases when the return type is a bool or a nat. Is such a thing possible in coq? If yes, what is the best method to achieve it?


You had it almost right. You just need slightly different syntax:

Record toy := {
    num1 : nat;
    num2 : nat

Definition args_to_toy_record (n1 : nat) (n2 : nat) : toy :=
  {| num1 := n1; num2 := n2 |}.

Alternatively, you can use regular constructor syntax. Every record toto in Coq is declared as an inductive (sometimes, coinductive) type with a single constructor Build_toto, whose arguments are exactly the fields of the record:

Definition args_to_toy_record (n1 : nat) (n2 : nat) : toy :=
  Build_toy n1 n2.

You can also name the record constructor explicitly, like this:

Record toy := Toy {
                 num1 : nat;
                 num2 : nat

Definition args_to_toy_record (n1 : nat) (n2 : nat) : toy :=
  Toy n1 n2.