Rewriting hypothesis to false with a contradictory theorem


I want to show that

[seq q x t | x <- iota 0 (t + 1)] != [::]

I decided to destruct iota 0 (t + 1) because I have a lemma that says:

iota 0 (t + 1) != [::]

So the first case of destruct should have iota 0 (t + 1) = [::] which by the theorem mentioned is false, and I can discriminate. How can I rewrite the equation in the first destruct case using the lemma? I cannot figure it out.

Answer (Arthur Azevedo De Amorim)

You do not need to destruct. Note that iota is defined by recursion on its second variable. Your current goal cannot be simplified because t + 1 does not start with a constructor. However, you can do by rewrite addn1 to put it in a form where it can be solved.

Answer (Pierre Jouvelot)

In addition to computation, as Arthur suggests, you can sometimes use contraposition to deal with non-equalities (do Search "contra" for variant versions).

For instance, in your case, you can show, if you add some injectivity constraint:

q: nat -> nat -> nat
t: nat
injq: injective (q^~ t)

iota 0 (t + 1) != [::] -> [seq q x t | x <- iota 0 (t + 1)] != [::]
q: nat -> nat -> nat
t: nat
injq: injective (q^~ t)

iota 0 (t + 1) != [::] -> [seq q x t | x <- iota 0 (t + 1)] != [::]
q: nat -> nat -> nat
t: nat
injq: injective (q^~ t)

[seq q x t | x <- iota 0 (t + 1)] = [::] -> iota 0 (t + 1) = [::]
q: nat -> nat -> nat
t: nat
injq: injective (q^~ t)

[seq q x t | x <- iota 0 (t + 1)] = [seq q x t | x <- [::]] -> iota 0 (t + 1) = [::]
exact: inj_map. Qed.