Step by step simplification in Coq?


Is there a way to simplify one step at a time?

Say you have f1 (f2 x) both of which can be simplified in turn via a single simpl, is it possible to simplify f2 x as a first step, examine the intermediate result and then simplify f1?

Take for example the theorem:

forall (n : nat) (l : list nat), Nat.pred (length (n :: l)) = length l

forall (n : nat) (l : list nat), Nat.pred (length (n :: l)) = length l
n: nat
l: list nat

Nat.pred (length (n :: l)) = length l
n: nat
l: list nat

length l = length l
reflexivity. Qed.

The simpl tactic simplifies Nat.pred (length (n :: l)) to length l. Is there a way to break that into a two step simplification i.e:

Nat.pred (length (n :: l)) --> Nat.pred (S (length l)) --> length l

Answer (ichistmeinname)

You can also use simpl for a specific pattern.

forall (n : nat) (l : list nat), Nat.pred (length (n :: l)) = length l

forall (n : nat) (l : list nat), Nat.pred (length (n :: l)) = length l
n: nat
l: list nat

Nat.pred (length (n :: l)) = length l
n: nat
l: list nat

Nat.pred (S (length l)) = length l
n: nat
l: list nat

length l = length l
reflexivity. Qed.

In case you have several occurrences of a pattern like length that could be simplified, you can further restrict the outcome of the simplification by giving a position of that occurrence (from left to right), e.g. simpl length at 1 or simpl length at 2 for the first or second occurrence.

Q: That's very useful! But I see that this simplifies all what it is within the pattern. For example f (g x) with simpl f. will also simplify using g definition. Is is possible to instruct coq, in this example case, to just use f definition to simplify, and let g x as it is?

Answer (Anton Trunov)

We can turn simplification for pred off, simplify its argument and turn it back on:

forall (n : nat) (l : list nat), Nat.pred (length (n :: l)) = length l

forall (n : nat) (l : list nat), Nat.pred (length (n :: l)) = length l
n: nat
l: list nat

Nat.pred (length (n :: l)) = length l
n: nat
l: list nat

Nat.pred (length (n :: l)) = length l
n: nat
l: list nat

Nat.pred (S (length l)) = length l
n: nat
l: list nat

Nat.pred (S (length l)) = length l
n: nat
l: list nat

length l = length l
reflexivity. Qed.

See ยง8.7.4 of the Reference Manual for more details.