Tactic automation: simple decision procedure


I'm trying to automate a decision procedure for whether an ASCII character is whitespace or not. Here is what I currently have.

Require Import Ascii String.

Scheme Equality for ascii.

Definition IsWhitespace (c : ascii) := (c = "009"%char) \/ (c = "032"%char).

c: ascii

{IsWhitespace c} + {~ IsWhitespace c}
c: ascii

{IsWhitespace c} + {~ IsWhitespace c}
c: ascii

{c = "009"%char \/ c = " "%char} + {~ (c = "009"%char \/ c = " "%char)}
c: ascii
H1: c <> "009"%char
H2: c <> " "%char

{c = "009"%char \/ c = " "%char} + {~ (c = "009"%char \/ c = " "%char)}
c: ascii
H1: c <> "009"%char
H2: c <> " "%char

~ (c = "009"%char \/ c = " "%char)
intros [H3 | H3]; auto. Qed.

What would be a good approach for making the proof more concise?

Answer (ejgallego)

The proof is almost the most concise it can be! At most what you can do is to call a more powerful tactic such as intuition:

c: ascii

{IsWhitespace c} + {~ IsWhitespace c}
c: ascii

{IsWhitespace c} + {~ IsWhitespace c}
now unfold IsWhitespace; case (ascii_eq_dec c "009"%char); case (ascii_eq_dec c " "%char); intuition. Qed.

A: Just a bit more concise reformulation of the above:

c: ascii

{IsWhitespace c} + {~ IsWhitespace c}
c: ascii

{IsWhitespace c} + {~ IsWhitespace c}
compute; case (ascii_eq_dec c "009"%char), (ascii_eq_dec c " "%char); tauto. Qed.

We use compute to unfold everything here.

Answer (Jason Gross)

Frequently, making a proof more automated involves writing a bit more code than you started with, so that you can handle more cases. Taking this approach, I adapted some boilerplate from fiat-crypto:

Require Import Coq.Strings.Ascii Coq.Strings.String.

Class Decidable (P : Prop) := dec : {P} + {~P}.
Arguments dec _ {_}.
Notation DecidableRel R := (forall x y, Decidable (R x y)).

A, B: Prop
HA: Decidable A
HB: Decidable B

Decidable (A \/ B)
A, B: Prop
HA: Decidable A
HB: Decidable B

Decidable (A \/ B)
A, B: Prop
HA: {A} + {~ A}
HB: {B} + {~ B}

{A \/ B} + {~ (A \/ B)}
tauto. Defined. Global Instance dec_eq_ascii : DecidableRel (@eq ascii) := ascii_dec.

With this boilerplate, your proof becomes

Definition IsWhitespace (c : ascii) := (c = "009"%char) \/ (c = "032"%char).
Definition isWhitespace (c : ascii) : Decidable (IsWhitespace c) := _.

which is about as short as a proof can be. (Note that := _ is the same as . Proof. exact _. Defined., which itself is the same as . Proof. typeclasses eauto. Defined..)

Note that this is fairly similar to ejgallego's proof, since tauto is the same as intuition fail.

Note also that the original boilerplate in fiat-crypto is much longer, but also more powerful than simply using hnf in *; tauto, and handles a few dozen different sorts of decidable propositions.

Q: This is super interesting! Would you mind explaining the Arguments aspect? And why use Notation instead of Definition?

Q: Also... This approach looks a lot like the Coq.Structures.Equalities part of the standard library, is there any particular reason not to use it?

A: The Arguments bit lets you write dec (x = y) to mean "find an instance of decidability of x = y by typeclass resolution and use that here". Without it, dec (x = y) is a type error, because dec means "find the first instance of decidability of any proposition, by typeclass resolution, and use that here".

Answer (ejgallego)

Following the spirit of Jason's answer, we can of course use some libraries dealing with decidable equality to arrive at your result:

This will declare ascii as a type with decidable equality:

From Coq Require Import Ascii String ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool.
Notation "_ + _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ - _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ >= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ > _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ <= _ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ < _ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ <= _ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ < _ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ * _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]

cancel N_of_ascii ascii_of_N

cancel N_of_ascii ascii_of_N
exact: ascii_N_embedding. Qed. Definition ascii_eqMixin := CanEqMixin ascii_NK. Canonical ascii_eqType := EqType _ ascii_eqMixin.

In this style, usually you state your properties are decidable propositions so there is nothing to prove:

Definition IsWhitespaceb (c : ascii) := [|| c == "009"%char | c == " "%char].

However if you want, you can of course recover the non-computational one:

Definition IsWhitespace (c : ascii) := (c = "009"%char) \/ (c = "032"%char).

c: ascii

reflect (IsWhitespace c) (IsWhitespaceb c)
c: ascii

reflect (IsWhitespace c) (IsWhitespaceb c)
exact: pred2P. Qed.

Some more automation can be used of course.