Under what conditions does Eval cbv delta in expand a definition in Coq?
In Proof General (with Coq 8.5), I executed the following:
Require Import Arith.
The output is
However, Print Nat.add_comm. gives a long and complicated function taking two nats as input. I expected my code to expand the definition of Nat.add_comm, which is what Eval cbv delta in _. does in similar situations. As a beginner, I know there is a naive misconception lurking. What am I missing?
A (Daniel Schepler): Probably it's just that Nat.add_comm is opaque - if you went through its proof (and the proofs of dependent lemmas) and replaced Qed. with Defined. everywhere, it would presumably evaluate to eq_refl.
Expanding a bit on Daniel's comment, cbv delta will unfold an identifier if
it has a body (i.e., is not a context variable, axiom, field in a module argument to the current module functor, bound variable, etc.), and
it's body was given transparently, i.e., either the proof script was closed with Defined rather than Qed or the body was given via := or the automatic obligation tactic (for Program Definition) or typeclass resolution (for Instances without a body), and
it has not been marked opaque via Opaque id or Strategy opaque [id], and
it was not created by "module-locking" another constant, i.e., defined within a module (or module functor) with a module-type ascription via : rather than <: (exception: if the module type itself provides the body for the constant)
Note that, at present, vm_compute can get around 3 (and the unification engine can too, but compute, lazy, cbv, hnf, cbn (usually), simpl (usually), and red cannot), but nothing will get around the others.