Understanding "well founded" proofs in Coq
I'm writing a fixpoint that requires an integer to be incremented "towards" zero at every iteration. This is too complicated for Coq to recognize as a decreasing argument automatically and I'm trying prove that my fixpoint will terminate.
I have been copying (what I believe is) an example of a well-foundedness proof for a step function on Z from the standard library. (Here)
Require Import ZArith.Zwf. Section wf_proof_wf_inc. Variable c : Z. Let Z_increment (z : Z) := (z + ((Z.sgn c) * (-1)))%Z.c: Z
Z_increment:= fun z : Z => (z + Z.sgn c * -1)%Z: Z -> Zwell_founded (Zwf c)c: Z
Z_increment:= fun z : Z => (z + Z.sgn c * -1)%Z: Z -> Zwell_founded (Zwf c)c: Z
Z_increment:= fun z : Z => (z + Z.sgn c * -1)%Z: Z -> Zforall a : Z, Acc (Zwf c) ac: Z
Z_increment:= fun z : Z => (z + Z.sgn c * -1)%Z: Z -> Z
a: ZAcc (Zwf c) a
which creates the following context:
My question is what does this goal actually mean?
I thought that the goal I'd have to prove for this would at least involve the step function that I want to show has the "well founded" property, "Z_increment".
The most useful explanation I have looked at is this but I've never worked with the list type that it uses and it doesn't explain what is meant by terms like "accessible".
Basically, you don't need to do a well founded proof, you just need to prove that your function decreases the (natural number) abs z. More concretely, you can implement abs (z : Z) : nat := z_to_nat (z * Z.sgn z) (with some appropriate conversion to nat) and then use this as a measure with Function, something like Function foo z {measure abs z} := ....
The well founded business is for showing relations are well-founded: the idea is that you can prove your function terminates by showing it "decreases" some well-founded relation R (think of it as <); that is, the definition of f x makes recursive subcalls f y only when R y x. For this to work R has to be well-founded, which intuitively means it has no infinitely descending chains. CPDT's general recursion chapter as a really good explanation of how this really works.
How does this relate to what you're doing? The standard library proves that, for all lower bounds c, x < y is a well-founded relation in Z if additionally its only applied to y >= c. I don't think this applies to you - instead you move towards zero, so you can just decrease abs z with the usual < relation on nats. The standard library already has a proof that this relation is well founded, and that's what Function ... {measure ...} uses.