Unfold a notation within a scope
This answer provides a simple useful trick: unfold ">=" is the same as unfold ge but does not require you to know that >= is the notation for ge.
Can you do the same for notations within a scope?
Require Import NArith.forall x : N, (x >= x)%Nforall x : N, (x >= x)%N
Here unfold ">=" does not do anything because it tries to unfold ge, not N.ge.
I have found the following solution:
forall x : N, x >= xforall x : N, (x ?= x) <> Lt
But is there a syntax allowing to unfold this notation without first opening the scope?
Yes, you can use the template unfold string % scope as follows:
Require Import NArith.forall x : N, (x >= x)%Nforall x : N, (x ?= x)%N <> Lt
This gives us the goal
with unfolded >=.
A: (term) % scope is the standard syntax for local opening of an interpretation scope. It so happens that Coq accepts it in this case too. It's actually not scope, but key, I'm being sloppy here.