Unfold notation in ltac
I noticed notations can be treated differently. For example < is just notation for a regular definition and unfold "<" does work as in the following example:
4 < 54 < 55 <= 5
However, <= is notation associated with the type le and for some reason unfold "<=" doesn't work, as in the following example:
4 <= 54 <= 5
Can I convert 4 <= 5 into le 4 5 with some ltac command?
Answer (Anton Trunov)
This happens because < is interpreted as lt which is a definition (here):
You can achieve the same effect with unfold lt.
In the same manner <= means le, but you cannot unfold le, because it is a type constructor. The manual says that you can unfold only a defined transparent constant or local definition.
The upshot here is that you don't unfold notations, you unfold the definitions those notations refer to.
Answer (Yannick Forster)
Adding to Anton's answer: If you already know how the notation is defined and only want to make it visible in the goal, you could do something like
Definition make_visible {X} (f : X) := f. Notation "` f" := (make_visible f) (at level 5, format "` f"). Tactic Notation "unfold" "notation" constr(f) := change f with (`f). Tactic Notation "fold" "notation" constr(f) := unfold make_visible.4 <= 54 <= 5`le 4 54 <= 5
Edit: My first solution was
Definition make_visible {X} (f : X) := (fun _ => f) tt.
but, as Anton pointed out, this is easier.