What does it mean when Coq expands a function as part of the goal?


I was trying to solve the following theorem and got stuck at the last simpl.:

forall l1 l2 : natlist, nonzeros (l1 ++ l2) = nonzeros l1 ++ nonzeros l2

forall l1 l2 : natlist, nonzeros (l1 ++ l2) = nonzeros l1 ++ nonzeros l2
l1, l2: natlist

nonzeros (l1 ++ l2) = nonzeros l1 ++ nonzeros l2
l2: natlist

nonzeros ([] ++ l2) = nonzeros [] ++ nonzeros l2
n': nat
l': list nat
l2: natlist
IHl': nonzeros (l' ++ l2) = nonzeros l' ++ nonzeros l2
nonzeros ((n' :: l') ++ l2) = nonzeros (n' :: l') ++ nonzeros l2
l2: natlist

nonzeros ([] ++ l2) = nonzeros [] ++ nonzeros l2
l2: natlist

nonzeros l2 = nonzeros l2
n': nat
l': list nat
l2: natlist
IHl': nonzeros (l' ++ l2) = nonzeros l' ++ nonzeros l2

nonzeros ((n' :: l') ++ l2) = nonzeros (n' :: l') ++ nonzeros l2
n': nat
l': list nat
l2: natlist
IHl': nonzeros (l' ++ l2) = nonzeros l' ++ nonzeros l2

match n' with | 0 => nonzeros (l' ++ l2) | S _ => n' :: nonzeros (l' ++ l2) end = match n' with | 0 => nonzeros l' | S _ => n' :: nonzeros l' end ++ nonzeros l2

at that point Coq changes the goal from:

1 subgoal n' : nat l' : list nat l2 : natlist IHl' : nonzeros (l' ++ l2) = nonzeros l' ++ nonzeros l2 ============================ nonzeros ((n' :: l') ++ l2) = nonzeros (n' :: l') ++ nonzeros l2


1 subgoal n' : nat l' : list nat l2 : natlist IHl' : nonzeros (l' ++ l2) = nonzeros l' ++ nonzeros l2 ============================ match n' with | 0 => nonzeros (l' ++ l2) | S _ => n' :: nonzeros (l' ++ l2) end = match n' with | 0 => nonzeros l' | S _ => n' :: nonzeros l' end ++ nonzeros l2

which seems completely mysterious to me. What does it mean when Coq just copy pastes the definition of a function into my goal? What do I even do with this?

Context of Question:

Someone told me that the solution is:

forall l1 l2 : natlist, nonzeros (l1 ++ l2) = nonzeros l1 ++ nonzeros l2

forall l1 l2 : natlist, nonzeros (l1 ++ l2) = nonzeros l1 ++ nonzeros l2
l1, l2: natlist

nonzeros (l1 ++ l2) = nonzeros l1 ++ nonzeros l2
l2: natlist

nonzeros ([] ++ l2) = nonzeros [] ++ nonzeros l2
n': nat
l': list nat
l2: natlist
IHl': nonzeros (l' ++ l2) = nonzeros l' ++ nonzeros l2
nonzeros ((n' :: l') ++ l2) = nonzeros (n' :: l') ++ nonzeros l2
l2: natlist

nonzeros ([] ++ l2) = nonzeros [] ++ nonzeros l2
l2: natlist

nonzeros l2 = nonzeros l2
n': nat
l': list nat
l2: natlist
IHl': nonzeros (l' ++ l2) = nonzeros l' ++ nonzeros l2

nonzeros ((n' :: l') ++ l2) = nonzeros (n' :: l') ++ nonzeros l2
n': nat
l': list nat
l2: natlist
IHl': nonzeros (l' ++ l2) = nonzeros l' ++ nonzeros l2

match n' with | 0 => nonzeros (l' ++ l2) | S _ => n' :: nonzeros (l' ++ l2) end = match n' with | 0 => nonzeros l' | S _ => n' :: nonzeros l' end ++ nonzeros l2
n': nat
l': list nat
l2: natlist
IHl': nonzeros (l' ++ l2) = nonzeros l' ++ nonzeros l2

match n' with | 0 => nonzeros (l' ++ l2) | S _ => n' :: nonzeros (l' ++ l2) end = match n' with | 0 => nonzeros l' | S _ => n' :: nonzeros l' end ++ nonzeros l2
l': list nat
l2: natlist
IHl': nonzeros (l' ++ l2) = nonzeros l' ++ nonzeros l2

nonzeros (l' ++ l2) = nonzeros l' ++ nonzeros l2
n': nat
l': list nat
l2: natlist
IHl': nonzeros (l' ++ l2) = nonzeros l' ++ nonzeros l2
IHn': match n' with | 0 => nonzeros (l' ++ l2) | S _ => n' :: nonzeros (l' ++ l2) end = match n' with | 0 => nonzeros l' | S _ => n' :: nonzeros l' end ++ nonzeros l2
S n' :: nonzeros (l' ++ l2) = (S n' :: nonzeros l') ++ nonzeros l2
l': list nat
l2: natlist
IHl': nonzeros (l' ++ l2) = nonzeros l' ++ nonzeros l2

nonzeros (l' ++ l2) = nonzeros l' ++ nonzeros l2
n': nat
l': list nat
l2: natlist
IHl': nonzeros (l' ++ l2) = nonzeros l' ++ nonzeros l2
IHn': match n' with | 0 => nonzeros (l' ++ l2) | S _ => n' :: nonzeros (l' ++ l2) end = match n' with | 0 => nonzeros l' | S _ => n' :: nonzeros l' end ++ nonzeros l2

S n' :: nonzeros (l' ++ l2) = (S n' :: nonzeros l') ++ nonzeros l2

which made me want to understand why they use induction on n' since it feels it would never occur to me to use induction there. So I am asking, why? But I realized that before I could ask that why I didn't even understand the proof state before that since it just seemed to copy paste a function to a proof state (which makes no sense to me). So before I asked why use induction there I have to ask what does the proof state before that, maybe that would yield light into why induction on n'.


I am assuming that you have defined nonzeros in the following way (or similar):

Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.

Definition natlist := list nat.

Fixpoint nonzeros (l : natlist) :=
  match l with
  | [] => []
  | 0 :: xs => nonzeros xs
  | x :: xs => x :: nonzeros xs

So that nonzeros is recursive with structural decreasing on l. Coq's simpl tactic employs a heuristic in which it unfolds definitions of fixpoints if they are applied to a term that has a constructor as the head symbol. In your case, e.g., nonzeros (n' :: l'), the constant nonzeros is followed by a term formed by a constructor, Cons (=::). Coq performs a so-called "delta reduction", replacing the occurrence of nonzeros with its definition. Since that definition is a match, you get a match as your new term. Further substitutions do simplify it a bit, but cannot eliminate the two cases: one for zero head and one for nonzero head.

Same happens to the occurrence nonzeros ((n' :: l') ++ l2), which is first simplified to nonzeros (n' :: (l' ++ l2)), so that again, the head of the argument is Cons.

If you want to avoid exposing match expressions when simplifying, you can put the following directive after the definition of nonzeros:

Arguments nonzeros l : simpl nomatch.

This specifically tells simpl to avoid expanding a term if this will end up exposing a match at the location of the change.

As for the induction used by your friend here: it is applied to force a case split over n', so that each case (n' = 0, n' = S _) can be handled separately. Indeed, induction is not needed here. A simple case split (case n') will do the same.