When are the constructors of an inductive type exhaustive?
For a simple inductive type like the natural numbers nat, it is easy to prove that the two constructors (zero and successor) give all possible natural numbers,
n: natn = 0 \/ (exists m : nat, n = S m)n: natn = 0 \/ (exists m : nat, n = S m)0 = 0 \/ (exists m : nat, 0 = S m)n: natS n = 0 \/ (exists m : nat, S n = S m)0 = 0 \/ (exists m : nat, 0 = S m)reflexivity.0 = 0n: natS n = 0 \/ (exists m : nat, S n = S m)n: natexists m : nat, S n = S mreflexivity. Qed.n: natS n = S n
However I hear it is not so simple for equality proofs. There is only one equality constructor, eq_refl, but Coq cannot prove that
forall (A : Type) (x : A) (prEq : x = x),
prEq = eq_refl
What exactly blocks this proof? Probably a first problem is that equality is not just a type, but a type family eq : forall A : Type, A -> A -> Prop. Is there a simpler type family where such a proof is impossible? With 1 or 2 arguments instead of 3 maybe?
I wrote about this issue in a blog post. In general, this arises when you define a type family over a type that does not have decidable equality. For example, consider the following type:
Inductive foo : Type -> Type :=
| Foo : foo unit.
It is not possible to show (I am pretty sure) that every inhabitant of foo unit is of the form Foo.
This phenomenon is easier to see at the level of proof terms. When you destruct a term of such a family, you must generalize over the index of the family. You can only relate this index to a known shape such as unit if the type has decidable equality.
A (András Kovács): Interestingly though, univalence implies that every foo unit is Foo.
Q: @AndrásKovács Is this because unit is contractible? Would it fail if I replaced unit by bool?
A (András Kovács): Yes, to both questions.