Why can't Coq infer the that 0 + n = n in this dependently typed program?


I'm starting to use Coq and I'd like to define some dependently typed programs. Consider the following:

Inductive natlist : nat -> Type :=
| natnil : natlist 0
| natcons : forall k, nat -> natlist k -> natlist (S k).

In environment natappend : forall n : nat, natlist n -> forall m : nat, natlist m -> natlist (n + m) n : nat l1 : natlist n m : nat l2 : natlist m The term "l2" has type "natlist m" while it is expected to have type "natlist (?n@{n1:=0} + m)".

So natlist k would be a list of nats of length k. The problem with the definition of concatenation as natappend is the following error:

The command has indeed failed with message: In environment natappend : forall n : nat, natlist n -> forall m : nat, natlist m -> natlist (n + m) n : nat l1 : natlist n m : nat l2 : natlist m The term "l2" has type "natlist m" while it is expected to have type "natlist (?n@{n1:=0} + m)".

As you can see it has a problem with the clause:

| natnil => l2

because it claims that the type of l2 is natlist m while the result type must be natlist (n + m) = natlist (0 + m).

I know that Coq cannot resolve arbitrary expressions at the type level to avoid non-terminating computations, but I find strange that even this simple case isn't handled.

Answer (Arthur Azevedo De Amorim)

The problem is that you had a type error in your second branch. Here is a version that works:

Fixpoint natappend {n m : nat} (l1 : natlist n) (l2 : natlist m) :
  natlist (n + m) :=
  match l1 with
  | natnil => l2
  | natcons n' x rest => natcons (n' + m) x (natappend rest l2)

The crucial difference between this version and the original one is the parameter passed to natcons: here, it is n' + m, whereas before it was n + m.

This example illustrates very well a general issue with non-locality of error messages in Coq, in particular when writing dependently typed programs. Even though Coq complained about the first branch, the problem was actually in the second branch. Adding annotations in your match statement, as suggested by @jbapple, can be useful when trying to diagnose what is going wrong.

Answer (jbapple)

You need match ... as ... in ... return ... to do more sophisticated type annotations. See Adam Chlipala's chapter "Library MoreDep" in his Book "Certified Programming with Dependent Types" or "Chapter 17: Extended pattern-matching" in the Coq manual. Both have the concat example you are working on.

You could also just delay the dependent type bit until the end:

Definition natlist n := { x : list nat & n = length x }.

Then prove that non-dependently-typed concat preserves length sums.

A: I much support @jbapple's definition of natlist as a dependent record instead of the original one, however I'd suggest using

Definition natlist n := { x : list nat & Is_true (n =? length x) }.

where =? is the boolean equality on nat, for reasons of proof irrelevance.

A: In general using a bool makes it easier to prove injectivity of the first projection, see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35290012/inductive-subset-of-an-inductive-set-in-coq/35300521#35300521

A: By the way, I learned about this by reading the tuple.v, a very good example of a complete sized list library is http://ssr.msr-inria.inria.fr/~jenkins/current/mathcomp.ssreflect.tuple.html, I really learned a lot from trying to understand it.