Why can't I define the following CoFixpoint?
I defined the following CoInductive type, stream:
CoInductive stream (A : Type) : Type := | Cons : A -> stream A -> stream A.
Then, I tried to define the following CoFixpoint definition, zeros:
I figured out that I have to explicitly instantiate the variable A:
CoFixpoint zeros : stream nat := Cons nat 0 zeros.
Why doesn't the Coq infer the type of A by itself? How do I make it infer the type of A?
You need to declare A as implicit to ask Coq to infer it for you. There are a few ways of doing it:
Add the following declaration to your file: Set Implicit Arguments.. This will cause Coq to turn on automatic inference for arguments such as A for Cons, allowing you to write Cons 0 zeros.
Turn on implicit arguments just for Cons, without affecting the rest of the file:
Arguments Cons {A} _ _.
This declaration marks A as implicit and leaves the other two arguments as explicit.
Mark A as implicit in the definition of stream:
CoInductive stream {A : Type} : Type := | Cons : A -> stream -> stream.
I personally do not recommend doing this, however, as it will mark A as implicit for stream as well.
You can find more information about implicit arguments in the reference manual
A: Side note: items 2. and 3. declare A as a maximally-inserted argument. Implicit arguments inferred with the Set Implicit Arguments directive are not declared to be insertable maximally. So, when applicable, one might want to add Set Maximal Implicit Insertion..