Why does use of Coq's setoid_replace ... by clause need an extra idtac?


I encountered a strange situation using setoid_replace where a proof step of the form:

The command has indeed failed with message: No matching clauses for match.

but after appending an extra idtac to the tactic:

a, b, c, d, e: Q
H0: e < b
H1: b + c == a + d

e < b

the proof succeeds. My understanding of idtac was that it was essentially a no-op. Why does the presence of idtac make a difference here?

Here's the full code. I'm using Coq 8.4pl6 through Proof General.

Require Import QArith.
Open Scope Q.

a, b, c, d: Q

a == b -> b + d == a + c -> c == d
a, b, c, d: Q

a == b -> b + d == a + c -> c == d
a, b, c, d: Q
a_eq_b: a == b

b + d == a + c -> c == d
a, b, c, d: Q
a_eq_b: a == b

b + d == b + c -> c == d
a, b, c, d: Q
a_eq_b: a == b
H: b + d == b + c

d == c
now apply Qplus_inj_l with (z := b). Qed. Ltac rearrange := match goal with | [ H : _ == _ |- _ == _ ] => apply rearrange_eq_r with (1 := H); ring end.
a, b, c, d, e: Q
H0: e < b
H1: b + c == a + d

e < a - c + d
a, b, c, d, e: Q
H0: e < b
H1: b + c == a + d

e < a - c + d
(* Why is the extra 'idtac' required in the line below? *)
a, b, c, d, e: Q
H0: e < b
H1: b + c == a + d

e < b
assumption. Qed.

Note: as Matt observes, idtac doesn't seem to be special here: it seems that any tactic (including fail!) can be used in place of idtac to make the proof succeed.

A (Matt): Strangely enough sequencing rearrange with anything seems to work. For example, I get the same result when I do setoid_replace (a - c + d) with b by (rearrange; fail). or setoid_replace (a - c + d) with b by (rearrange; exfalso). or setoid_replace (a - c + d) with b by (rearrange; auto). Very odd...


Thanks to Jason Gross on the Coq bug tracker for explaining this. This has to do with order of evaluation in the Ltac tactic language. In the failing case, the match in rearrange is being applied to the inequality in the immediate goal rather than to the equality generated by setoid_replace. Here's Jason's response on the bug report:

This is because the match is evaluated before the setoid_replace is run. It is one of the unfortunate trip-ups of Ltac that things like match and let ... in ... are evaluated eagerly until a statement with semicolons, or other non-match non-let-in statement is reached. If you add idtac; before the match in rearrange, your problem will go away.