- About the refine tactic in Coq
- All-quantified type variable in (value) constructor cannot be explicitly typed as wanted
- Apply rewrite tactic to sub-expression
- Applying a Program Definition fails with "unable to unify Prop with [goal]"
- Attempting to use proof irrelevance without creating ill-typed terms
- Best practices for an effective use of Coq's hint database
- Can Coq intros pattern split at the rightmost opportunity for conjunction?
- Can one prove an equivalent to Forall_inv for heterogeneous lists in Coq?
- Cannot rewrite goal with assertion?
- Can't automate a lemma that works manually in Coq
- Compute with a recursive function defined by well-defined induction
- Coq: a left-recursive notation must have an explicit level
- Coq: adding a "strong induction" tactic
- Coq - Assign expression to variable
- Coq auto tactic fails
- Coq: automate repeated rewriting
- Coq can't see that two types are the same
- Coq: controlling subst when we have many equalities
- Coq: destruct (co)inductive hypothesis without losing information
- Coq execution difference between semicolon ; and period .
- Coq: How are the equality tactics symmetry and transitivity defined?
- Coq induction on modulo
- Coq inference behavior
- Coq produce instance of a type {x : T | P x} inside an explicit definition given an x of type T
- Coq Qed raise a warning with admitted lemmas
- Coq: rewrite preserving input hypothesis
- Coq rewriting using lambda arguments
- Coq: Rewriting with forall in hypothesis or goal
- Coq theorem proving: Simple fraction law in peano arithmetic
- Coq: viewing proof term during proof script writing
- Creating Coq tactic: how to use a newly generated name?
- Definition vs Notation for constants
- Eliminate redundant sub-goals generated by case analysis in Coq
- Equality in Coq for enumerated types
- Equality on inductive types
- Error in defining Ackermann in Coq
- Error "Tactic failure: The relation (fun x y : BloodType => x <> y) is not a declared reflexive relation." when proving a theorem about function
- Existential goals are filled in too soon
- Existential instantiation and generalization in coq
- Existential quantifier in Coq impredicative logic (System F)
- Expanding Recursive Functions In Coq
- Explain a simple operation in Coq
- Explanation transitivity of equal Coq
- Extensible tactic in Coq
- Form of intros in Coq specifically for forall and explicitly for ->
- Generalising a set of proofs in Coq
- Generalizing existential variables in Coq
- Generalizing expressions under binders
- Generic equality lifting in Coq
- Hint Rewrite cannot infer parameter
- How can I automate counting within proofs in Coq?
- How can I generalise Coq proofs of an iff?
- How can I implement a Coq tactic that iterates over the hypotheses?
- How can I read Coq's definition of proj1_sig?
- How can I rewrite selectively in Coq?
- How can I use type arguments in an ltac?
- How could I make example for sigma type in Coq?
- How do I change a concrete variable to an existentially quantified var in a hypothesis?
- How do I provide implicit arguments explicitly in Coq?
- How do we know all Coq constructors are injective and disjoint?
- How do you lookup the definition or implementation of Coq proof tactics?
- How do you selectively simplify arguments to each time a function is called, without evaluating the function itself?
- How does auto interract with biconditional (iff)
- How does one inspect what more complicated tactics do in Coq step-by-step?
- How to add "assumed true" statements in Coq
- How to add to both sides of an equality in Coq
- How to apply a function once during simplification in Coq?
- How to debug tactic failure in a match goal branch?
- How to define an automatically unfoldable definition
- How to define axiom of a line as two points in Coq
- How to destruct pair equivalence in Coq?
- How to do cases with an inductive type in Coq
- How to do "negative" match in Ltac?
- How to forbid simpl tactic to unfold arithmetic expressions?
- How to import libraries in Coq?
- How to improve this proof?
- How to introduce a new existential condition from a witness in Coq?
- How to introduce a new variable in Coq?
- How to leave a goal unfinished in Coq
- How to leverage auto's searching and hint databases in custom tactics?
- How to make algebraic manipulations in Coq easier?
- How to name the assumption when remembering an expression?
- How to prove decidability of a partial order inductive predicate?
- How to prove equality from equality of Some
- How to prove False from obviously contradictory assumptions
- How to prove non-equality of terms produced by two different constructors of the same inductive in Coq?
- How to provide proof that two values are different?
- How to repeat proof tactics in case in Coq?
- How to replace a term with some property of the term?
- How to return a (intro'd) hypothesis back to the goal formula?
- How to save the current goal/subgoal as an assert lemma
- How to solve contradiction in Coq
- How to specialize nested hypotheses in Coq?
- How to specify explicit equality in Coq search patterns?
- How to step through semicolons separated tactics sequence in coqide?
- How to systematically normalize inequalities to < (lt) and <= (le) in Coq?
- How to turn an single unification variable into a goal, during proof
- How to unfold a recursive function just once in Coq
- How to use auto with repeat in custom tactics?
- How to use rewrite on a subexpression of the current goal
- How to write intermediate proof statements inside Coq - similar to how in Isar one has have Statement using Lemma1, Lemma2 by auto but in Coq?
- Idiomatic ways of selecting subterm to rewrite
- In Coq, How to construct an element of 'sig' type
- In Coq, how to remove a defined variable from the namespace?
- In Coq: inversion of existential quantifier with multiple variables, with one command?
- In Coq, which tactic to change the goal from S x = S y to x = y
- In-place simplification for Coq
- In the Coq tactics language, what is the difference between intro and intros
- Induction on predicates with product type arguments
- Induction on record member in Coq?
- Induction over relations
- Inductive definition for family of types
- Injectivity of inl and inr in standard library
- Instantiating an existential with a specific proof
- Interaction between type classes and auto tactic
- Inverting an obviously untrue hypothesis does not prove falsehood
- Is it possible to force induction tactic to produce more equations?
- Is there a eapply-like tactic that works on exists goals in Coq?
- Less or equal relation with largest element of natural number list
- Locating definition of a tactic in Coq proofs
- Ltac: optional arguments tactic
- Ltac pattern matching: why does forall x, ?P x not match forall x, x?
- Matching expression context under forall with Ltac
- Matching with Ltac on a call containing local variable
- Multiple successes in Coq branching and backtracking?
- Nested recursion and Program Fixpoint or Function
- Pattern-match on type in order to implement equality for existentially typed constructor in Coq
- Pattern matching using information from theorems
- Pose proof in Coq
- Problems with missing information in Obligations when defining using Program in Coq
- Proof automation in Coq how to factorize a proof
- Proof automation
- Proof by case analysis in Coq
- Proofs about constructors matched with _
- Proving forall x xs ys, subseq (x :: xs) ys -> subseq xs ys in Coq
- Proving uniqueness of an instance of an indexed inductive type
- Question about intros [=] and intros [= <- H]
- Reasoning about typeclass instance that has been picked up in a theorem?
- Recursive partial functions in Coq
- Rewrite single occurence in Ltac
- Rewrite under exists
- rewrite works for = but not for <-> (iff) in Coq
- Shorter notation for matching hypotheses in Coq?
- Show all axioms Coq
- Show theorem definition in Coq
- Some help dealing with inject/unject and vector types
- Split conjunction goal into subgoals
- Step by step simplification in Coq?
- Stuck on a simple proof about regular expressions
- Stuck on the proof of a simple Lemma: which induction should I use?
- Subtyping in Coq
- Tactic automation: simple decision procedure
- Transferring proof from Z to N in Coq
- Typeclass resolution and autorewrite
- Unable to find an instance for the variable
- Under what conditions does Eval cbv delta in expand a definition in Coq?
- Understanding specialize tactic
- Understanding the intros keyword work in Coq
- Unfold a notation within a scope
- Unfold notation in ltac
- Using an existential theorem in Coq
- Using dependent induction tactic to keep information while doing induction
- Using local notation inside a Coq theorem
- Vector : t A n = t A (n+0)?
- "Verbose" auto in Coq
- Wellfounded induction in Coq
- What does it mean when Coq expands a function as part of the goal?
- What does Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. mean in Coq?
- What does the tactic destruct do in the proof below?
- What does the tactic induction followed by a number do?
- What is difference between destruct and case_eq tactics in Coq?
- What <> is in Coq
- What is the difference between Axiom and Variable in Coq
- What is the difference between Lemma and Theorem in Coq
- What is the tactic that does nothing?
- What should be done when simpl does not reduce all the necessary steps?
- What's the difference between Program Fixpoint and Function in Coq?
- What's the difference between revert and generalize tactics in Coq?
- Where did lt_index go?
- Why can I not apply f_equal to a hypothesis?
- Why can I use the constructor tactic to prove reflexivity?
- Why can't I define the following CoFixpoint?
- Why Coq doesn't allow inversion, destruct, etc. when the goal is a Type?
- Why does Coq.Init.Logic define the notation A -> B?
- Why does use of Coq's setoid_replace ... by clause need an extra idtac?
- Why is following Coq rewrite not applying on right hand side of assumption?
- Why S n' =? S n' simplifies to n' =? n' in Coq?
- Why would the tactic exact be complete for Coq proofs?
- A Coq proof of a theorem which turns a formula containing y into a formula containing f(x)
- A simple case of universe inconsistency
- About the refine tactic in Coq
- Abstracting leads to a term ill-typed... yet well-typed
- Abstracting patterns in induction rule for inductive predicates for Coq
- Adding complete disjunctive assumption in Coq
- Agda-like programming in Coq/Proof General?
- All-quantified type variable in (value) constructor cannot be explicitly typed as wanted
- Apply rewrite tactic to sub-expression
- Applying a Program Definition fails with "unable to unify Prop with [goal]"
- Are all proofs of true = true the same?
- Assert a proposition on multiple witnesses
- Attempting to use proof irrelevance without creating ill-typed terms
- Best practices for an effective use of Coq's hint database
- Best practices for parametrized Coq libraries
- Best way to handle (sub) types of the form { x : nat | x >= 13 /x <= 19 }?
- Building a class hierarchy in Coq?
- Building up tree and decreasing argument of fix
- Call a theorem using let-in
- Can any one help me how to prove this theorem in Coq
- Can Coq intros pattern split at the rightmost opportunity for conjunction?
- Can I tell Coq to do induction from n to n + 2?
- Can one prove an equivalent to Forall_inv for heterogeneous lists in Coq?
- Can you prove Excluded Middle is wrong in Coq if I do not import classical logic
- Cannot determine termination
- Cannot rewrite goal with assertion?
- Can't automate a lemma that works manually in Coq
- Case analysis on evidence of equality type in Coq
- Change a function at one point
- Characteristic function of a union
- Church numerals and universe inconsistency
- Classical axioms implies every proposition is decidable?
- Closing a lemma on list of nats
- Compute if in a decideable prop in Coq
- Compute with a recursive function defined by well-defined induction
- Confused about pattern matching in Record constructions in Coq
- context expression in Coq
- Contradiction on natural number's zero test
- Coq: a left-recursive notation must have an explicit level
- Coq: a single notation for multiple constructors
- Coq adding a new variable instead of using the correct one
- Coq: adding a "strong induction" tactic
- Coq - Assign expression to variable
- Coq: Associativity of relational composition
- Coq auto tactic fails
- Coq: automate repeated rewriting
- Coq: cannot unify inductive types
- Coq can't compute a well-founded function on Z, but it works on nat
- Coq can't infer type parameter in match
- Coq can't see that two types are the same
- Coq - Coercion of list nat
- Coq: coercion/subtyping between complex expressions
- Coq coercions and goal matching
- Coq: controlling subst when we have many equalities
- Coq: Derive argument from context
- Coq: destruct (co)inductive hypothesis without losing information
- Coq: easiest way to construct members of a decidable sigma type?
- Coq: eliminating forall?
- Coq execution difference between semicolon ; and period .
- Coq: How are the equality tactics symmetry and transitivity defined?
- Coq: How to prove if statements involving strings?
- Coq: How to prove max a b <= a + b?
- Coq: How to refer to the types generated by a specific constructor?
- Coq identity term which is not eq_refl
- Coq: Implementation of split_string and proof that nothing gets deleted
- Coq Index Relation
- Coq induction on modulo
- Coq inference behavior
- Coq item 1.2.10 Type cast
- Coq leb (<=?) does not give me an hypothesis after case or induction
- Coq: local ltac definition
- Coq losing information from if-statement when doing recursive function with Program
- Coq notation for multi type list
- Coq - Obtaining equality from match statement
- Coq path implementation
- Coq produce instance of a type {x : T | P x} inside an explicit definition given an x of type T
- Coq: Prop versus Set in Type(n)
- Coq proving addition inequality
- Coq: Proving relation between < and <=
- Coq: Proving that the product of n and (S n) is even
- Coq QArith division by zero is zero, why?
- Coq Qed raise a warning with admitted lemmas
- Coq: Recursive definition of fibonacci is ill-formed
- Coq: Recursive Smart Constructors and Sigma types, how to avoid axioms
- Coq - return value of type which is equal to function return type
- Coq: rewrite preserving input hypothesis
- Coq - Rewriting a FMap Within a Relation
- Coq rewriting using lambda arguments
- Coq: Rewriting with forall in hypothesis or goal
- Coq: Testing partial convertibilty
- Coq theorem proving: Simple fraction law in peano arithmetic
- Coq: typeclasses vs dependent records
- Coq: unfolding class instances
- Coq: usage of PartialOrder typeclass
- Coq: viewing proof term during proof script writing
- Creating Coq tactic: how to use a newly generated name?
- Dealing with let-in expressions in current goal
- Decidable equality statement with Set vs. Prop
- Decide disjunctions in sort Prop
- decide equality for Mutually Recursive Types in Coq?
- Decoupling the data to be manipulated from the proofs that the manipulations are justified
- Decreasing argument (and what is a Program Fixpoint)
- Defining a function that returns one element satisfying the condition
- Defining integers inductively in Coq (inductive definitions subject to relations)
- Defining subtype relation in Coq
- Definition by property in Coq
- Definition vs Notation for constants
- Dependent Pair Types
- Dependent pattern matching
- Dependent type as a function argument in Coq
- Deriving facts on pattern matching in Coq
- Destruct if condition in program fixpoint Coq
- Destructing equality of dependent records in Coq
- Difference between parameters and members of a class
- Difference between sumbool and intuitionnistic disjunction
- Difference between type parameters and indices?
- Different induction principles for Prop and Type
- Display the original name of the imported module in Coq
- Does Gallina have holes like in Agda?
- Ease life in dependently typed programming using Function and Program in Coq
- Efficient Way of Defining Multiple Functions of the Same Type
- Eliminate redundant sub-goals generated by case analysis in Coq
- Equality in Coq for enumerated types
- Equality of dependent types and dependent values
- Equality on inductive types
- Error in defining Ackermann in Coq
- Error "Tactic failure: The relation (fun x y : BloodType => x <> y) is not a declared reflexive relation." when proving a theorem about function
- Eval compute is incomplete when own decidability is used in Coq
- even_Sn_not_even_n - apply 1 hypothesis in another
- Existential goals are filled in too soon
- Existential instantiation and generalization in coq
- Existential quantifier in Coq impredicative logic (System F)
- Expanding Recursive Functions In Coq
- Explain a simple operation in Coq
- Explanation transitivity of equal Coq
- Extensible tactic in Coq
- Fail to use let-destruct for tuple in Coq
- Finding a well founded relation to prove termination of a function that stops decreasing at some point
- Fixpoint with Prop inhabitant as argument
- Form of intros in Coq specifically for forall and explicitly for ->
- Function- and Type substitutions or Views in Coq
- General advice about when to use Prop and when to use bool
- Generalising a set of proofs in Coq
- Generalizing existential variables in Coq
- Generalizing expressions under binders
- Generic equality lifting in Coq
- Heterogeneous list in Coq
- Hint Rewrite cannot infer parameter
- How can I automate counting within proofs in Coq?
- How can I avoid stack overflow or segmentation fault in Coq nats?
- How can I construct terms in first-order logic using Coq?
- How can I generalise Coq proofs of an iff?
- How can I implement a Coq tactic that iterates over the hypotheses?
- How can I prove that she cannot prove Or_commutative with only intro and apply?
- How can I read Coq's definition of proj1_sig?
- How can I rewrite selectively in Coq?
- How can I use type arguments in an ltac?
- How can I write a function of the following form in Coq?
- How could I make example for sigma type in Coq?
- How do I change a concrete variable to an existentially quantified var in a hypothesis?
- How do I provide implicit arguments explicitly in Coq?
- How do we know all Coq constructors are injective and disjoint?
- How do you lookup the definition or implementation of Coq proof tactics?
- How do you make notations visible outside of a module signature in Coq?
- How do you prove in Coq that (e: p = p) = eq_refl?
- How do you selectively simplify arguments to each time a function is called, without evaluating the function itself?
- How does auto interract with biconditional (iff)
- How does decidable equality works with List.remove?
- How does one build the list of only true elements in Coq using dependent types?
- How does one define dependent type with named arguments in Coq without issues in unification in the constructors?
- How does one inspect what more complicated tactics do in Coq step-by-step?
- How proof assistants are implemented?
- How proof functions prove?
- How to add "assumed true" statements in Coq
- How to add to both sides of an equality in Coq
- How to add variables introduced by set tactic to a Hint DB?
- How to apply a function once during simplification in Coq?
- How to convert propositional formula to DNF in Coq
- How to deal with really large terms generated by Program Fixpoint in Coq?
- How to debug tactic failure in a match goal branch?
- How to define an automatically unfoldable definition
- How to define an inductive type and a definition at the same time?
- How to define axiom of a line as two points in Coq
- How to define set in Coq without defining set as a list of elements
- How to dependent match on a list with two elements?
- How to destruct pair equivalence in Coq?
- How to disable my custom notation in Coq?
- How to do cases with an inductive type in Coq
- How to do induction differently?
- How to do induction on the length of a list in Coq?
- How to do "negative" match in Ltac?
- How to enumerate set in Coq Ensemble
- How to extract the witness from exists in Coq in function notation/without destructing?
- How to "extract" Z from subset type {z : Z | z > 0}
- How to forbid simpl tactic to unfold arithmetic expressions?
- How to get an induction principle for nested fix
- How to give a counterxample in Coq?
- How to implement a union-find (disjoint set) data structure in Coq?
- How to import libraries in Coq?
- How to import the library Coq.Arith.PeanoNat in Coq?
- How to improve this proof?
- How to introduce a new existential condition from a witness in Coq?
- How to introduce a new variable in Coq?
- How to leave a goal unfinished in Coq
- How to leverage auto's searching and hint databases in custom tactics?
- How to make algebraic manipulations in Coq easier?
- How to make sublists in Coq?
- How to make use of information known about this function type in Coq
- How to match a match expression?
- How to name the assumption when remembering an expression?
- How to optimize a search in Coq
- How to prove decidability of a partial order inductive predicate?
- How to prove equality from equality of Some
- How to prove False from obviously contradictory assumptions
- How to prove non-equality of terms produced by two different constructors of the same inductive in Coq?
- How to prove that a number is prime using Znumtheory in Coq
- How to prove that another definition of permutation is the same as the Default Permutation Library for Coq
- How to prove that terms of a first-order language are well-founded?
- How to provide proof that two values are different?
- How to repeat proof tactics in case in Coq?
- How to replace a term with some property of the term?
- How to return a (intro'd) hypothesis back to the goal formula?
- How to save the current goal/subgoal as an assert lemma
- How to set defaults for implicit arguments when they can't be inferred?
- How to solve contradiction in Coq
- How to solve goals with invalid type equalities in Coq?
- How to specialize nested hypotheses in Coq?
- How to specify explicit equality in Coq search patterns?
- How to step through semicolons separated tactics sequence in coqide?
- How to systematically normalize inequalities to < (lt) and <= (le) in Coq?
- How to turn an single unification variable into a goal, during proof
- How to unfold a recursive function just once in Coq
- How to use a custom induction principle in Coq?
- How to use an unequality to simplify a if-then-else in Coq?
- How to use auto with repeat in custom tactics?
- How to use modules to hide lemmas in Coq?
- How to use rewrite on a subexpression of the current goal
- How to use the Lemma inside a module in Coq?
- How to write intermediate proof statements inside Coq - similar to how in Isar one has have Statement using Lemma1, Lemma2 by auto but in Coq?
- How to write to a file, from Coq
- I need help defining a concatenation in Coq
- Idiomatic ways of selecting subterm to rewrite
- Implementing vector addition in Coq
- Import vs. Include in Coq Module system
- Improving dependently typed reverse function
- In Coq, How to construct an element of 'sig' type
- In Coq, how to remove a defined variable from the namespace?
- In Coq, "if then else" allows non-boolean first argument?
- In Coq: inversion of existential quantifier with multiple variables, with one command?
- In Coq, is there a way to see the tactics applied by tauto?
- In Coq, which tactic to change the goal from S x = S y to x = y
- In-place simplification for Coq
- In the Coq tactics language, what is the difference between intro and intros
- Incorrect elimination of X in the inductive type or
- Induction on predicates with product type arguments
- Induction on record member in Coq?
- Induction over relations
- Induction principle for le
- Induction proofs on MSets
- Inductive definition for family of types
- Inductive definition of boolean
- Inductively defined dense vector lemmas
- Injectivity of inl and inr in standard library
- Inside a branch of a match block, how do I use the assertion that the matched expression is equal to the branch's data constructor expression?
- Instantiating an existential with a specific proof
- Interaction between type classes and auto tactic
- Interactive theorem proving with no specified goal
- Inversion produces unexpected existT in Coq
- Inverting an obviously untrue hypothesis does not prove falsehood
- Is it possible to declare type-dependent Notation in Coq?
- Is it possible to force induction tactic to produce more equations?
- Is there a eapply-like tactic that works on exists goals in Coq?
- Just a universally quantified hypotesis in Coq proof
- Lemma about list and rev list
- Lemma as a type in a record
- Less or equal relation with largest element of natural number list
- Lift existentials in Coq
- Local Inductive definitions and Theorems
- Locating definition of a tactic in Coq proofs
- Logic: auxilliry lemma for tr_rev_correct
- Ltac: optional arguments tactic
- Ltac pattern matching: why does forall x, ?P x not match forall x, x?
- make subset types compatible for function application
- Matching expression context under forall with Ltac
- Matching with Ltac on a call containing local variable
- Merge duplicate cases in match Coq
- Multiple successes in Coq branching and backtracking?
- Multiple where-clauses for Reserved Notation in Coq?
- mutual recursion on an inductive type and nat
- Nested recursion and Program Fixpoint or Function
- Non-positive occurrence due to polymorphic function
- Pattern-match on type in order to implement equality for existentially typed constructor in Coq
- Pattern matching using information from theorems
- Pattern Matching with Even and Odd Cases
- Pigeonhole proof without decidable equality or excluded middle
- Port a Coq lemma over Z to a similar lemma over nat
- Pose proof in Coq
- Problems with dependent types in Coq proof assistant
- Problems with missing information in Obligations when defining using Program in Coq
- Program Fixpoint: recursive call in let and hypothesis of the obligation
- Proof automation in Coq how to factorize a proof
- Proof automation
- Proof by case analysis in Coq
- Proof by contradiction in Coq
- Proof leaking in Coq extraction?
- Proof of the application of a substitution on a term
- Proofs about constructors matched with _
- Proofs of structural properties of arguments in match in coq
- Prove a constant is even
- Prove equality on Sigma-types
- Prove properties of lists
- Prove that the only zero-length vector is nil
- Proving a property on sets
- Proving decidability for a datatype that includes a vector
- Proving equivalence of two programs expressed as different types
- Proving even + even = even with mutual induction using tactics
- Proving False with negative inductive types in Coq
- Proving forall x xs ys, subseq (x :: xs) ys -> subseq xs ys in Coq
- Proving increasing iota in Coq
- Proving termination in Coq
- Proving Termination of Function in Coq
- Proving that s-expressions printing is injective
- Proving uniqueness of an instance of an indexed inductive type
- Question about intros [=] and intros [= <- H]
- Reasoning about lists in Coq
- Reasoning about typeclass instance that has been picked up in a theorem?
- Record and Definition
- Record equality in Coq
- Recursion for Church encoding of equality
- Recursive partial functions in Coq
- Recursive use of typeclass methods in Coq
- Redundant clause in match
- Relation between types prod and sig in Coq
- Removing the last element of a sized list in Coq
- Removing trivial match clause in Coq
- Renaming part of hypothesis in Coq
- Representing Higher-Order Functors as Containers in Coq
- Require, Import, Require Import
- Retrieving constraints from GADT to ensure exhaustion of pattern matching in Coq
- Returning a record from a definition in Coq
- Rewrite single occurence in Ltac
- Rewrite under exists
- rewrite works for = but not for <-> (iff) in Coq
- Rewriting hypothesis to false with a contradictory theorem
- Section mechanism in Coq. Forbid omitting of hypotheses from context
- SF Volume 1: Logic: How to prove tr_rev <-> rev?
- Shorter notation for matching hypotheses in Coq?
- Show all axioms Coq
- Show theorem definition in Coq
- Some help dealing with inject/unject and vector types
- Specialization of module argument in Coq
- Split conjunction goal into subgoals
- Step by step simplification in Coq?
- Stronger completeness axiom for real numbers in Coq
- Structural recursion on two arguments
- Stuck on a simple proof about regular expressions
- Stuck on the proof of a simple Lemma: which induction should I use?
- Subset parameter
- Subtyping in Coq
- Syntax error with < in Coq notations
- Tactic automation: simple decision procedure
- Teach Coq to check termination
- Transferring proof from Z to N in Coq
- Transform casual list into dependently typed list in Coq
- Transitivity of -> in Coq
- Transitivity of subsequence in Coq
- Trouble writing my notation for natural numbers in Coq
- Turn off automatic induction principle in Coq
- Type encapsulation in Coq
- Typeclass resolution and autorewrite
- Typeclasses with multiple fields vs. single field in Coq / Unexpected behaviour of Compute command
- Unable to find an instance for the variable
- Under what conditions does Eval cbv delta in expand a definition in Coq?
- Understanding how pattern matching works in Coq
- Understanding specialize tactic
- Understanding the intros keyword work in Coq
- Understanding "well founded" proofs in Coq
- Unfold a notation within a scope
- Unfold notation in ltac
- Use module signature definition in module implementation
- Using an existential theorem in Coq
- Using dependent induction tactic to keep information while doing induction
- Using dependent types in Coq (safe nth function)
- Using Implicit Type Class Parameters in Coq Notation
- Using induction starting from 1 in Coq
- Using length of list X as an argument for a constructor of X in Coq
- Using local notation inside a Coq theorem
- Using Omega to prove a lemma in Coq
- Using typeclass instances within typeclasses
- Vector error: The type of this term is a product
- Vector : t A n = t A (n+0)?
- "Verbose" auto in Coq
- Wellfounded induction in Coq
- What does it mean when Coq expands a function as part of the goal?
- What does Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. mean in Coq?
- What does the tactic destruct do in the proof below?
- What does the tactic induction followed by a number do?
- What is a concrete example of the type Set and what is the meaning of Set?
- What is Coq's type system doing in this example?
- What is difference between destruct and case_eq tactics in Coq?
- What is eq_rect and where is it defined in Coq?
- What <> is in Coq
- What is the difference between Axiom and Variable in Coq
- What is the difference between Lemma and Theorem in Coq
- What is the tactic that does nothing?
- What should be done when simpl does not reduce all the necessary steps?
- What's the difference between Program Fixpoint and Function in Coq?
- What's the difference between revert and generalize tactics in Coq?
- When are the constructors of an inductive type exhaustive?
- Where did lt_index go?
- Which vector library to use in Coq?
- Why are logical connectives and booleans separate in Coq?
- Why can I not apply f_equal to a hypothesis?
- Why can I use the constructor tactic to prove reflexivity?
- Why can't Coq infer the that 0 + n = n in this dependently typed program?
- Why can't I define the following CoFixpoint?
- Why Coq doesn't allow inversion, destruct, etc. when the goal is a Type?
- Why do Calculus of Construction based languages use Setoids so much?
- Why does Coq.Init.Logic define the notation A -> B?
- Why does Coq's typechecker reject my map definition?
- Why does nesting the induction tactic also nest the inductive hypotheses under a lambda?
- Why does this Coq Definition fail? Coq Namespace error for Inductive Type
- Why does use of Coq's setoid_replace ... by clause need an extra idtac?
- Why haven't newer dependently typed languages adopted SSReflect's approach?
- Why is following Coq rewrite not applying on right hand side of assumption?
- Why is my recursive definition of list_min ill-formed?
- Why not have Prop : Set in Coq?
- Why S n' =? S n' simplifies to n' =? n' in Coq?
- Why would the tactic exact be complete for Coq proofs?