1. Can any one help me how to prove this theorem in Coq
  2. Can you prove Excluded Middle is wrong in Coq if I do not import classical logic
  3. Characteristic function of a union
  4. Classical axioms implies every proposition is decidable?
  5. Coq: Prop versus Set in Type(n)
  6. Decidable equality statement with Set vs. Prop
  7. Decide disjunctions in sort Prop
  8. Difference between sumbool and intuitionnistic disjunction
  9. even_Sn_not_even_n - apply 1 hypothesis in another
  10. How to enumerate set in Coq Ensemble
  11. How to extract the witness from exists in Coq in function notation/without destructing?
  12. Lift existentials in Coq
  13. Pigeonhole proof without decidable equality or excluded middle
  14. Proof by contradiction in Coq
  15. Proving a property on sets
  16. Stronger completeness axiom for real numbers in Coq
  17. What is a concrete example of the type Set and what is the meaning of Set?
  18. Why are logical connectives and booleans separate in Coq?
  19. Why not have Prop : Set in Coq?
  1. Best way to handle (sub) types of the form { x : nat | x >= 13 /x <= 19 }?
  2. Coq - Coercion of list nat
  3. Coq: coercion/subtyping between complex expressions
  4. Coq coercions and goal matching
  5. Coq notation for multi type list
  6. Coq - return value of type which is equal to function return type
  7. Defining subtype relation in Coq
  8. Fixpoint with Prop inhabitant as argument
  9. How could I make example for sigma type in Coq?
  10. How to convert propositional formula to DNF in Coq
  11. In Coq, How to construct an element of 'sig' type
  12. make subset types compatible for function application
  13. Record equality in Coq
  14. Subset parameter
  15. Which vector library to use in Coq?
  1. Coq: How to refer to the types generated by a specific constructor?
  2. Coq QArith division by zero is zero, why?
  3. How to prove equality from equality of Some
  4. Non-positive occurrence due to polymorphic function
  5. Proof leaking in Coq extraction?
  6. Proofs of structural properties of arguments in match in coq
  7. Recursive partial functions in Coq
  8. Using dependent types in Coq (safe nth function)
  9. Using induction starting from 1 in Coq
  10. Wellfounded induction in Coq
  1. Call a theorem using let-in
  2. Compute if in a decideable prop in Coq
  3. Compute with a recursive function defined by well-defined induction
  4. Coq can't compute a well-founded function on Z, but it works on nat
  5. Coq identity term which is not eq_refl
  6. Coq item 1.2.10 Type cast
  7. Coq: unfolding class instances
  8. Deriving facts on pattern matching in Coq
  9. Error in defining Ackermann in Coq
  10. Eval compute is incomplete when own decidability is used in Coq
  11. Explain a simple operation in Coq
  12. How can I automate counting within proofs in Coq?
  13. How can I avoid stack overflow or segmentation fault in Coq nats?
  14. How does decidable equality works with List.remove?
  15. How proof functions prove?
  16. How to define set in Coq without defining set as a list of elements
  17. How to extract the witness from exists in Coq in function notation/without destructing?
  18. How to make sublists in Coq?
  19. How to optimize a search in Coq
  20. How to prove decidability of a partial order inductive predicate?
  21. How to prove that a number is prime using Znumtheory in Coq
  22. I need help defining a concatenation in Coq
  23. Incorrect elimination of X in the inductive type or
  24. Problems with dependent types in Coq proof assistant
  25. Proof leaking in Coq extraction?
  26. Prove equality on Sigma-types
  27. Proving decidability for a datatype that includes a vector
  28. Reasoning about typeclass instance that has been picked up in a theorem?
  29. Rewrite single occurence in Ltac
  30. rewrite works for = but not for <-> (iff) in Coq
  31. Some help dealing with inject/unject and vector types
  32. Specialization of module argument in Coq
  33. Structural recursion on two arguments
  34. Tactic automation: simple decision procedure
  35. Transform casual list into dependently typed list in Coq
  36. Typeclasses with multiple fields vs. single field in Coq / Unexpected behaviour of Compute command
  37. Under what conditions does Eval cbv delta in expand a definition in Coq?
  38. Understanding how pattern matching works in Coq
  39. Why are logical connectives and booleans separate in Coq?
  40. Why Coq doesn't allow inversion, destruct, etc. when the goal is a Type?
  1. About the refine tactic in Coq
  2. Apply rewrite tactic to sub-expression
  3. Coq: automate repeated rewriting
  4. Coq: destruct (co)inductive hypothesis without losing information
  5. How to prove equality from equality of Some
  6. How to prove False from obviously contradictory assumptions
  7. How to provide proof that two values are different?
  8. Inductive definition for family of types
  9. Inverting an obviously untrue hypothesis does not prove falsehood
  10. Proof automation in Coq how to factorize a proof
  11. Proving False with negative inductive types in Coq
  12. Recursion for Church encoding of equality
  13. Removing trivial match clause in Coq
  14. Why can I not apply f_equal to a hypothesis?
  1. All-quantified type variable in (value) constructor cannot be explicitly typed as wanted
  2. Are all proofs of true = true the same?
  3. Attempting to use proof irrelevance without creating ill-typed terms
  4. Confused about pattern matching in Record constructions in Coq
  5. Coq adding a new variable instead of using the correct one
  6. Coq: cannot unify inductive types
  7. Coq can't infer type parameter in match
  8. Coq: How to refer to the types generated by a specific constructor?
  9. Coq inference behavior
  10. Coq losing information from if-statement when doing recursive function with Program
  11. Coq - Obtaining equality from match statement
  12. Coq - Rewriting a FMap Within a Relation
  13. Defining a function that returns one element satisfying the condition
  14. Dependent pattern matching
  15. Deriving facts on pattern matching in Coq
  16. Fixpoint with Prop inhabitant as argument
  17. Heterogeneous list in Coq
  18. How does one define dependent type with named arguments in Coq without issues in unification in the constructors?
  19. How to dependent match on a list with two elements?
  20. How to make use of information known about this function type in Coq
  21. I need help defining a concatenation in Coq
  22. Implementing vector addition in Coq
  23. Improving dependently typed reverse function
  24. In Coq, How to construct an element of 'sig' type
  25. Incorrect elimination of X in the inductive type or
  26. Induction over relations
  27. Inductive definition for family of types
  28. Inside a branch of a match block, how do I use the assertion that the matched expression is equal to the branch's data constructor expression?
  29. Pattern matching using information from theorems
  30. Program Fixpoint: recursive call in let and hypothesis of the obligation
  31. Proofs of structural properties of arguments in match in coq
  32. Prove that the only zero-length vector is nil
  33. Recursive partial functions in Coq
  34. Removing the last element of a sized list in Coq
  35. Renaming part of hypothesis in Coq
  36. Retrieving constraints from GADT to ensure exhaustion of pattern matching in Coq
  37. Some help dealing with inject/unject and vector types
  38. Stuck on a simple proof about regular expressions
  39. Using dependent induction tactic to keep information while doing induction
  40. Using dependent types in Coq (safe nth function)
  41. Vector error: The type of this term is a product
  42. Wellfounded induction in Coq
  43. Why Coq doesn't allow inversion, destruct, etc. when the goal is a Type?
  44. Why does Coq's typechecker reject my map definition?
  45. Why not have Prop : Set in Coq?
  1. Abstracting leads to a term ill-typed... yet well-typed
  2. Are all proofs of true = true the same?
  3. Can any one help me how to prove this theorem in Coq
  4. Change a function at one point
  5. Characteristic function of a union
  6. Classical axioms implies every proposition is decidable?
  7. Compute if in a decideable prop in Coq
  8. Coq can't compute a well-founded function on Z, but it works on nat
  9. Coq: How to prove if statements involving strings?
  10. Coq losing information from if-statement when doing recursive function with Program
  11. Coq: Recursive Smart Constructors and Sigma types, how to avoid axioms
  12. Decidable equality statement with Set vs. Prop
  13. Decide disjunctions in sort Prop
  14. Difference between sumbool and intuitionnistic disjunction
  15. Equality in Coq for enumerated types
  16. Eval compute is incomplete when own decidability is used in Coq
  17. Finding a well founded relation to prove termination of a function that stops decreasing at some point
  18. General advice about when to use Prop and when to use bool
  19. How can I automate counting within proofs in Coq?
  20. How does decidable equality works with List.remove?
  21. How to define set in Coq without defining set as a list of elements
  22. How to prove decidability of a partial order inductive predicate?
  23. How to use an unequality to simplify a if-then-else in Coq?
  24. Incorrect elimination of X in the inductive type or
  25. Inductively defined dense vector lemmas
  26. Inversion produces unexpected existT in Coq
  27. Pattern-match on type in order to implement equality for existentially typed constructor in Coq
  28. Pattern Matching with Even and Odd Cases
  29. Pigeonhole proof without decidable equality or excluded middle
  30. Problems with dependent types in Coq proof assistant
  31. Proof automation in Coq how to factorize a proof
  32. Proof by contradiction in Coq
  33. Prove that the only zero-length vector is nil
  34. Proving decidability for a datatype that includes a vector
  35. Record equality in Coq
  36. Stronger completeness axiom for real numbers in Coq
  37. Tactic automation: simple decision procedure
  38. Using dependent types in Coq (safe nth function)
  39. When are the constructors of an inductive type exhaustive?
  40. Why haven't newer dependently typed languages adopted SSReflect's approach?
  1. Abstracting leads to a term ill-typed... yet well-typed
  2. Applying a Program Definition fails with "unable to unify Prop with [goal]"
  3. Assert a proposition on multiple witnesses
  4. Attempting to use proof irrelevance without creating ill-typed terms
  5. Case analysis on evidence of equality type in Coq
  6. Coq adding a new variable instead of using the correct one
  7. Coq can't infer type parameter in match
  8. Coq can't see that two types are the same
  9. Coq identity term which is not eq_refl
  10. Coq - return value of type which is equal to function return type
  11. Deriving facts on pattern matching in Coq
  12. Destructing equality of dependent records in Coq
  13. Different induction principles for Prop and Type
  14. Equality of dependent types and dependent values
  15. How do we know all Coq constructors are injective and disjoint?
  16. How to provide proof that two values are different?
  17. How to use rewrite on a subexpression of the current goal
  18. Improving dependently typed reverse function
  19. Prove that the only zero-length vector is nil
  20. Recursion for Church encoding of equality
  21. Removing trivial match clause in Coq
  22. Retrieving constraints from GADT to ensure exhaustion of pattern matching in Coq
  23. What is Coq's type system doing in this example?
  24. What is eq_rect and where is it defined in Coq?
  25. When are the constructors of an inductive type exhaustive?
  26. Why do Calculus of Construction based languages use Setoids so much?
  1. Abstracting patterns in induction rule for inductive predicates for Coq
  2. All-quantified type variable in (value) constructor cannot be explicitly typed as wanted
  3. Building up tree and decreasing argument of fix
  4. Can I tell Coq to do induction from n to n + 2?
  5. Can one prove an equivalent to Forall_inv for heterogeneous lists in Coq?
  6. Cannot determine termination
  7. Case analysis on evidence of equality type in Coq
  8. Closing a lemma on list of nats
  9. Coq: Implementation of split_string and proof that nothing gets deleted
  10. Coq induction on modulo
  11. Coq: Prop versus Set in Type(n)
  12. Coq: Proving relation between < and <=
  13. Coq: Proving that the product of n and (S n) is even
  14. Coq: Recursive definition of fibonacci is ill-formed
  15. Coq theorem proving: Simple fraction law in peano arithmetic
  16. Coq: viewing proof term during proof script writing
  17. decide equality for Mutually Recursive Types in Coq?
  18. Decreasing argument (and what is a Program Fixpoint)
  19. Dependent Pair Types
  20. Dependent pattern matching
  21. Destruct if condition in program fixpoint Coq
  22. Error in defining Ackermann in Coq
  23. Expanding Recursive Functions In Coq
  24. Fixpoint with Prop inhabitant as argument
  25. How can I construct terms in first-order logic using Coq?
  26. How can I write a function of the following form in Coq?
  27. How to convert propositional formula to DNF in Coq
  28. How to deal with really large terms generated by Program Fixpoint in Coq?
  29. How to define an inductive type and a definition at the same time?
  30. How to do induction differently?
  31. How to do induction on the length of a list in Coq?
  32. How to get an induction principle for nested fix
  33. How to make sublists in Coq?
  34. How to make use of information known about this function type in Coq
  35. How to optimize a search in Coq
  36. How to prove that another definition of permutation is the same as the Default Permutation Library for Coq
  37. How to prove that terms of a first-order language are well-founded?
  38. How to use a custom induction principle in Coq?
  39. Induction over relations
  40. Induction principle for le
  41. Induction proofs on MSets
  42. Is it possible to force induction tactic to produce more equations?
  43. Lemma about list and rev list
  44. Logic: auxilliry lemma for tr_rev_correct
  45. mutual recursion on an inductive type and nat
  46. Nested recursion and Program Fixpoint or Function
  47. Pattern Matching with Even and Odd Cases
  48. Problems with dependent types in Coq proof assistant
  49. Program Fixpoint: recursive call in let and hypothesis of the obligation
  50. Proof by case analysis in Coq
  51. Proof leaking in Coq extraction?
  52. Proof of the application of a substitution on a term
  53. Prove properties of lists
  54. Proving decidability for a datatype that includes a vector
  55. Proving even + even = even with mutual induction using tactics
  56. Proving increasing iota in Coq
  57. Proving termination in Coq
  58. Proving Termination of Function in Coq
  59. Proving that s-expressions printing is injective
  60. Proving uniqueness of an instance of an indexed inductive type
  61. Reasoning about lists in Coq
  62. Recursion for Church encoding of equality
  63. Recursive partial functions in Coq
  64. Recursive use of typeclass methods in Coq
  65. Removing the last element of a sized list in Coq
  66. Renaming part of hypothesis in Coq
  67. SF Volume 1: Logic: How to prove tr_rev <-> rev?
  68. Some help dealing with inject/unject and vector types
  69. Structural recursion on two arguments
  70. Stuck on a simple proof about regular expressions
  71. Stuck on the proof of a simple Lemma: which induction should I use?
  72. Teach Coq to check termination
  73. Transitivity of subsequence in Coq
  74. Turn off automatic induction principle in Coq
  75. Understanding "well founded" proofs in Coq
  76. Using induction starting from 1 in Coq
  77. Using length of list X as an argument for a constructor of X in Coq
  78. Using Omega to prove a lemma in Coq
  79. Using typeclass instances within typeclasses
  80. Vector error: The type of this term is a product
  81. Wellfounded induction in Coq
  82. What does it mean when Coq expands a function as part of the goal?
  83. What is eq_rect and where is it defined in Coq?
  84. What's the difference between Program Fixpoint and Function in Coq?
  85. Which vector library to use in Coq?
  86. Why does Coq's typechecker reject my map definition?
  87. Why does nesting the induction tactic also nest the inductive hypotheses under a lambda?
  88. Why is my recursive definition of list_min ill-formed?
  1. Applying a Program Definition fails with "unable to unify Prop with [goal]"
  2. Are all proofs of true = true the same?
  3. Can one prove an equivalent to Forall_inv for heterogeneous lists in Coq?
  4. Case analysis on evidence of equality type in Coq
  5. Coq adding a new variable instead of using the correct one
  6. Coq: cannot unify inductive types
  7. Coq can't see that two types are the same
  8. Coq: Proving relation between < and <=
  9. Coq QArith division by zero is zero, why?
  10. Coq - return value of type which is equal to function return type
  11. Decoupling the data to be manipulated from the proofs that the manipulations are justified
  12. Destructing equality of dependent records in Coq
  13. Difference between type parameters and indices?
  14. Different induction principles for Prop and Type
  15. Equality on inductive types
  16. Function- and Type substitutions or Views in Coq
  17. Heterogeneous list in Coq
  18. How does one build the list of only true elements in Coq using dependent types?
  19. How does one define dependent type with named arguments in Coq without issues in unification in the constructors?
  20. How to dependent match on a list with two elements?
  21. How to use rewrite on a subexpression of the current goal
  22. Implementing vector addition in Coq
  23. Improving dependently typed reverse function
  24. Induction on predicates with product type arguments
  25. Induction over relations
  26. Inductive definition for family of types
  27. Inductively defined dense vector lemmas
  28. Inversion produces unexpected existT in Coq
  29. Is it possible to force induction tactic to produce more equations?
  30. mutual recursion on an inductive type and nat
  31. Non-positive occurrence due to polymorphic function
  32. Prove that the only zero-length vector is nil
  33. Proving decidability for a datatype that includes a vector
  34. Proving uniqueness of an instance of an indexed inductive type
  35. Removing the last element of a sized list in Coq
  36. Representing Higher-Order Functors as Containers in Coq
  37. Retrieving constraints from GADT to ensure exhaustion of pattern matching in Coq
  38. Understanding specialize tactic
  39. Understanding the intros keyword work in Coq
  40. Using dependent types in Coq (safe nth function)
  41. Using length of list X as an argument for a constructor of X in Coq
  42. Vector error: The type of this term is a product
  43. What is Coq's type system doing in this example?
  44. When are the constructors of an inductive type exhaustive?
  45. Why can't Coq infer the that 0 + n = n in this dependently typed program?
  46. Why does Coq's typechecker reject my map definition?
  47. Why haven't newer dependently typed languages adopted SSReflect's approach?
  1. Are all proofs of true = true the same?
  2. Can one prove an equivalent to Forall_inv for heterogeneous lists in Coq?
  3. Case analysis on evidence of equality type in Coq
  4. context expression in Coq
  5. Coq auto tactic fails
  6. Coq identity term which is not eq_refl
  7. Coq losing information from if-statement when doing recursive function with Program
  8. Coq: Recursive definition of fibonacci is ill-formed
  9. Dealing with let-in expressions in current goal
  10. Equality in Coq for enumerated types
  11. Equality on inductive types
  12. Explain a simple operation in Coq
  13. Fail to use let-destruct for tuple in Coq
  14. Finding a well founded relation to prove termination of a function that stops decreasing at some point
  15. How can I use type arguments in an ltac?
  16. How do you lookup the definition or implementation of Coq proof tactics?
  17. How does one build the list of only true elements in Coq using dependent types?
  18. How to debug tactic failure in a match goal branch?
  19. How to "extract" Z from subset type {z : Z | z > 0}
  20. How to match a match expression?
  21. In Coq, "if then else" allows non-boolean first argument?
  22. Induction on predicates with product type arguments
  23. Inside a branch of a match block, how do I use the assertion that the matched expression is equal to the branch's data constructor expression?
  24. Ltac pattern matching: why does forall x, ?P x not match forall x, x?
  25. Matching expression context under forall with Ltac
  26. Pattern-match on type in order to implement equality for existentially typed constructor in Coq
  27. Proofs about constructors matched with _
  28. Prove that the only zero-length vector is nil
  29. Recursive partial functions in Coq
  30. Redundant clause in match
  31. Retrieving constraints from GADT to ensure exhaustion of pattern matching in Coq
  32. Shorter notation for matching hypotheses in Coq?
  33. Transform casual list into dependently typed list in Coq
  34. Understanding how pattern matching works in Coq
  35. What is Coq's type system doing in this example?
  36. Why can't Coq infer the that 0 + n = n in this dependently typed program?
  37. Why does Coq's typechecker reject my map definition?
  38. Why does this Coq Definition fail? Coq Namespace error for Inductive Type
  39. Why does use of Coq's setoid_replace ... by clause need an extra idtac?
  40. Why is my recursive definition of list_min ill-formed?
  1. Best practices for parametrized Coq libraries
  2. Coq: Derive argument from context
  3. Coq: local ltac definition
  4. Display the original name of the imported module in Coq
  5. Efficient Way of Defining Multiple Functions of the Same Type
  6. How do you make notations visible outside of a module signature in Coq?
  7. How to add variables introduced by set tactic to a Hint DB?
  8. How to deal with really large terms generated by Program Fixpoint in Coq?
  9. How to do induction on the length of a list in Coq?
  10. How to import the library Coq.Arith.PeanoNat in Coq?
  11. How to set defaults for implicit arguments when they can't be inferred?
  12. How to use a custom induction principle in Coq?
  13. How to use modules to hide lemmas in Coq?
  14. How to use the Lemma inside a module in Coq?
  15. Import vs. Include in Coq Module system
  16. Local Inductive definitions and Theorems
  17. Proving decidability for a datatype that includes a vector
  18. Require, Import, Require Import
  19. Section mechanism in Coq. Forbid omitting of hypotheses from context
  20. Specialization of module argument in Coq
  21. Stuck on a simple proof about regular expressions
  22. Type encapsulation in Coq
  23. Use module signature definition in module implementation
  24. Using Implicit Type Class Parameters in Coq Notation
  25. Using local notation inside a Coq theorem
  1. Building up tree and decreasing argument of fix
  2. Coq produce instance of a type {x : T | P x} inside an explicit definition given an x of type T
  3. Error in defining Ackermann in Coq
  4. Explain a simple operation in Coq
  5. Fail to use let-destruct for tuple in Coq
  6. Heterogeneous list in Coq
  7. How to convert propositional formula to DNF in Coq
  8. How to deal with really large terms generated by Program Fixpoint in Coq?
  9. How to define an inductive type and a definition at the same time?
  10. How to dependent match on a list with two elements?
  11. How to get an induction principle for nested fix
  12. How to make use of information known about this function type in Coq
  13. How to match a match expression?
  14. How to prove that terms of a first-order language are well-founded?
  15. Implementing vector addition in Coq
  16. mutual recursion on an inductive type and nat
  17. Problems with dependent types in Coq proof assistant
  18. Proof of the application of a substitution on a term
  19. Proving termination in Coq
  20. Proving Termination of Function in Coq
  21. Proving that s-expressions printing is injective
  22. Teach Coq to check termination
  23. Using Implicit Type Class Parameters in Coq Notation
  24. Using length of list X as an argument for a constructor of X in Coq
  25. Using typeclass instances within typeclasses
  26. Vector error: The type of this term is a product
  27. What's the difference between Program Fixpoint and Function in Coq?
  28. Why is my recursive definition of list_min ill-formed?
  1. Call a theorem using let-in
  2. Coq losing information from if-statement when doing recursive function with Program
  3. Definition vs Notation for constants
  4. Dependent pattern matching
  5. How can I avoid stack overflow or segmentation fault in Coq nats?
  6. How to define an automatically unfoldable definition
  7. How to disable my custom notation in Coq?
  8. Interaction between type classes and auto tactic
  9. Is it possible to declare type-dependent Notation in Coq?
  10. Ltac: optional arguments tactic
  11. Multiple where-clauses for Reserved Notation in Coq?
  12. Syntax error with < in Coq notations
  13. Trouble writing my notation for natural numbers in Coq
  14. Unfold a notation within a scope
  15. Unfold notation in ltac
  16. Using Implicit Type Class Parameters in Coq Notation
  17. Why does Coq.Init.Logic define the notation A -> B?
  1. A Coq proof of a theorem which turns a formula containing y into a formula containing f(x)
  2. Can you prove Excluded Middle is wrong in Coq if I do not import classical logic
  3. Coq can't compute a well-founded function on Z, but it works on nat
  4. Coq Index Relation
  5. Coq: Prop versus Set in Type(n)
  6. Coq: Recursive Smart Constructors and Sigma types, how to avoid axioms
  7. Definition by property in Coq
  8. Difference between parameters and members of a class
  9. Difference between sumbool and intuitionnistic disjunction
  10. Different induction principles for Prop and Type
  11. Incorrect elimination of X in the inductive type or
  12. Inductively defined dense vector lemmas
  13. Lift existentials in Coq
  14. Non-positive occurrence due to polymorphic function
  15. Proof leaking in Coq extraction?
  16. Prove equality on Sigma-types
  17. Record equality in Coq
  18. Subtyping in Coq
  19. Why can't Coq infer the that 0 + n = n in this dependently typed program?
  20. Why Coq doesn't allow inversion, destruct, etc. when the goal is a Type?
  21. Why haven't newer dependently typed languages adopted SSReflect's approach?
  22. Why not have Prop : Set in Coq?
  1. Agda-like programming in Coq/Proof General?
  2. All-quantified type variable in (value) constructor cannot be explicitly typed as wanted
  3. Assert a proposition on multiple witnesses
  4. Compute if in a decideable prop in Coq
  5. Compute with a recursive function defined by well-defined induction
  6. Contradiction on natural number's zero test
  7. Coq can't see that two types are the same
  8. Coq: easiest way to construct members of a decidable sigma type?
  9. Coq execution difference between semicolon ; and period .
  10. Coq: How to prove if statements involving strings?
  11. Coq: How to prove max a b <= a + b?
  12. Coq: How to refer to the types generated by a specific constructor?
  13. Coq inference behavior
  14. Coq leb (<=?) does not give me an hypothesis after case or induction
  15. Coq produce instance of a type {x : T | P x} inside an explicit definition given an x of type T
  16. Coq proving addition inequality
  17. Coq: Proving that the product of n and (S n) is even
  18. Coq QArith division by zero is zero, why?
  19. Coq Qed raise a warning with admitted lemmas
  20. Coq - return value of type which is equal to function return type
  21. Coq - Rewriting a FMap Within a Relation
  22. Coq: viewing proof term during proof script writing
  23. Decoupling the data to be manipulated from the proofs that the manipulations are justified
  24. Definition by property in Coq
  25. Deriving facts on pattern matching in Coq
  26. Does Gallina have holes like in Agda?
  27. Ease life in dependently typed programming using Function and Program in Coq
  28. Eliminate redundant sub-goals generated by case analysis in Coq
  29. Eval compute is incomplete when own decidability is used in Coq
  30. even_Sn_not_even_n - apply 1 hypothesis in another
  31. Existential quantifier in Coq impredicative logic (System F)
  32. Expanding Recursive Functions In Coq
  33. Extensible tactic in Coq
  34. Finding a well founded relation to prove termination of a function that stops decreasing at some point
  35. Fixpoint with Prop inhabitant as argument
  36. Function- and Type substitutions or Views in Coq
  37. General advice about when to use Prop and when to use bool
  38. How can I avoid stack overflow or segmentation fault in Coq nats?
  39. How can I implement a Coq tactic that iterates over the hypotheses?
  40. How do I change a concrete variable to an existentially quantified var in a hypothesis?
  41. How does decidable equality works with List.remove?
  42. How to add to both sides of an equality in Coq
  43. How to apply a function once during simplification in Coq?
  44. How to do cases with an inductive type in Coq
  45. How to extract the witness from exists in Coq in function notation/without destructing?
  46. How to give a counterxample in Coq?
  47. How to implement a union-find (disjoint set) data structure in Coq?
  48. How to improve this proof?
  49. How to leave a goal unfinished in Coq
  50. How to make algebraic manipulations in Coq easier?
  51. How to make use of information known about this function type in Coq
  52. How to prove that terms of a first-order language are well-founded?
  53. How to repeat proof tactics in case in Coq?
  54. How to replace a term with some property of the term?
  55. How to unfold a recursive function just once in Coq
  56. How to use an unequality to simplify a if-then-else in Coq?
  57. How to write intermediate proof statements inside Coq - similar to how in Isar one has have Statement using Lemma1, Lemma2 by auto but in Coq?
  58. Idiomatic ways of selecting subterm to rewrite
  59. In Coq, is there a way to see the tactics applied by tauto?
  60. Instantiating an existential with a specific proof
  61. Interactive theorem proving with no specified goal
  62. Just a universally quantified hypotesis in Coq proof
  63. Merge duplicate cases in match Coq
  64. Nested recursion and Program Fixpoint or Function
  65. Pattern matching using information from theorems
  66. Pigeonhole proof without decidable equality or excluded middle
  67. Port a Coq lemma over Z to a similar lemma over nat
  68. Pose proof in Coq
  69. Proof automation in Coq how to factorize a proof
  70. Proof by case analysis in Coq
  71. Proving a property on sets
  72. Proving False with negative inductive types in Coq
  73. Rewriting hypothesis to false with a contradictory theorem
  74. Show theorem definition in Coq
  75. Some help dealing with inject/unject and vector types
  76. Stuck on a simple proof about regular expressions
  77. Stuck on the proof of a simple Lemma: which induction should I use?
  78. Transitivity of -> in Coq
  79. Using dependent types in Coq (safe nth function)
  80. Vector error: The type of this term is a product
  81. Wellfounded induction in Coq
  82. What is the difference between Lemma and Theorem in Coq
  83. Why does nesting the induction tactic also nest the inductive hypotheses under a lambda?
  84. Why is my recursive definition of list_min ill-formed?
  1. Call a theorem using let-in
  2. Coq - return value of type which is equal to function return type
  3. Coq: Testing partial convertibilty
  4. Coq: typeclasses vs dependent records
  5. Defining subtype relation in Coq
  6. Existential goals are filled in too soon
  7. I need help defining a concatenation in Coq
  8. Lemma as a type in a record
  9. Record and Definition
  10. Recursive use of typeclass methods in Coq
  11. Returning a record from a definition in Coq
  12. Type encapsulation in Coq
  13. Why haven't newer dependently typed languages adopted SSReflect's approach?
  1. Can I tell Coq to do induction from n to n + 2?
  2. Contradiction on natural number's zero test
  3. Coq leb (<=?) does not give me an hypothesis after case or induction
  4. Eval compute is incomplete when own decidability is used in Coq
  5. even_Sn_not_even_n - apply 1 hypothesis in another
  6. General advice about when to use Prop and when to use bool
  7. How can I automate counting within proofs in Coq?
  8. How can I prove that she cannot prove Or_commutative with only intro and apply?
  9. How does decidable equality works with List.remove?
  10. How to convert propositional formula to DNF in Coq
  11. How to define set in Coq without defining set as a list of elements
  12. How to extract the witness from exists in Coq in function notation/without destructing?
  13. How to implement a union-find (disjoint set) data structure in Coq?
  14. How to prove that a number is prime using Znumtheory in Coq
  15. I need help defining a concatenation in Coq
  16. Lemma as a type in a record
  17. Pattern-match on type in order to implement equality for existentially typed constructor in Coq
  18. Pigeonhole proof without decidable equality or excluded middle
  19. Port a Coq lemma over Z to a similar lemma over nat
  20. Problems with dependent types in Coq proof assistant
  21. Proof automation in Coq how to factorize a proof
  22. Prove a constant is even
  23. Proving equivalence of two programs expressed as different types
  24. Record equality in Coq
  25. Transitivity of -> in Coq
  26. Using dependent types in Coq (safe nth function)
  27. Why does this Coq Definition fail? Coq Namespace error for Inductive Type
  28. Why haven't newer dependently typed languages adopted SSReflect's approach?
  29. Why S n' =? S n' simplifies to n' =? n' in Coq?
  1. A Coq proof of a theorem which turns a formula containing y into a formula containing f(x)
  2. Assert a proposition on multiple witnesses
  3. Best way to handle (sub) types of the form { x : nat | x >= 13 /x <= 19 }?
  4. Coq: easiest way to construct members of a decidable sigma type?
  5. Coq Index Relation
  6. Coq produce instance of a type {x : T | P x} inside an explicit definition given an x of type T
  7. Definition by property in Coq
  8. Dependent Pair Types
  9. Dependent pattern matching
  10. Dependent type as a function argument in Coq
  11. Destructing equality of dependent records in Coq
  12. Difference between parameters and members of a class
  13. How can I read Coq's definition of proj1_sig?
  14. How do I change a concrete variable to an existentially quantified var in a hypothesis?
  15. How to extract the witness from exists in Coq in function notation/without destructing?
  16. How to "extract" Z from subset type {z : Z | z > 0}
  17. How to name the assumption when remembering an expression?
  18. I need help defining a concatenation in Coq
  19. In Coq, How to construct an element of 'sig' type
  20. Inductively defined dense vector lemmas
  21. make subset types compatible for function application
  22. Non-positive occurrence due to polymorphic function
  23. Pattern matching using information from theorems
  24. Proofs of structural properties of arguments in match in coq
  25. Prove equality on Sigma-types
  26. Proving Termination of Function in Coq
  27. Recursive partial functions in Coq
  28. Relation between types prod and sig in Coq
  29. Subset parameter
  30. Using dependent types in Coq (safe nth function)
  31. Which vector library to use in Coq?
  32. Why can't Coq infer the that 0 + n = n in this dependently typed program?
  1. Coq: a single notation for multiple constructors
  2. Coq: Testing partial convertibilty
  3. Eliminate redundant sub-goals generated by case analysis in Coq
  4. Equality in Coq for enumerated types
  5. How to dependent match on a list with two elements?
  6. Instantiating an existential with a specific proof
  7. Proofs about constructors matched with _
  8. Proofs of structural properties of arguments in match in coq
  1. About the refine tactic in Coq
  2. All-quantified type variable in (value) constructor cannot be explicitly typed as wanted
  3. Apply rewrite tactic to sub-expression
  4. Applying a Program Definition fails with "unable to unify Prop with [goal]"
  5. Attempting to use proof irrelevance without creating ill-typed terms
  6. Best practices for an effective use of Coq's hint database
  7. Can Coq intros pattern split at the rightmost opportunity for conjunction?
  8. Can one prove an equivalent to Forall_inv for heterogeneous lists in Coq?
  9. Cannot rewrite goal with assertion?
  10. Can't automate a lemma that works manually in Coq
  11. Compute with a recursive function defined by well-defined induction
  12. Coq: a left-recursive notation must have an explicit level
  13. Coq: adding a "strong induction" tactic
  14. Coq - Assign expression to variable
  15. Coq auto tactic fails
  16. Coq: automate repeated rewriting
  17. Coq can't see that two types are the same
  18. Coq: controlling subst when we have many equalities
  19. Coq: destruct (co)inductive hypothesis without losing information
  20. Coq execution difference between semicolon ; and period .
  21. Coq: How are the equality tactics symmetry and transitivity defined?
  22. Coq induction on modulo
  23. Coq inference behavior
  24. Coq produce instance of a type {x : T | P x} inside an explicit definition given an x of type T
  25. Coq Qed raise a warning with admitted lemmas
  26. Coq: rewrite preserving input hypothesis
  27. Coq rewriting using lambda arguments
  28. Coq: Rewriting with forall in hypothesis or goal
  29. Coq theorem proving: Simple fraction law in peano arithmetic
  30. Coq: viewing proof term during proof script writing
  31. Creating Coq tactic: how to use a newly generated name?
  32. Definition vs Notation for constants
  33. Eliminate redundant sub-goals generated by case analysis in Coq
  34. Equality in Coq for enumerated types
  35. Equality on inductive types
  36. Error in defining Ackermann in Coq
  37. Error "Tactic failure: The relation (fun x y : BloodType => x <> y) is not a declared reflexive relation." when proving a theorem about function
  38. Existential goals are filled in too soon
  39. Existential instantiation and generalization in coq
  40. Existential quantifier in Coq impredicative logic (System F)
  41. Expanding Recursive Functions In Coq
  42. Explain a simple operation in Coq
  43. Explanation transitivity of equal Coq
  44. Extensible tactic in Coq
  45. Form of intros in Coq specifically for forall and explicitly for ->
  46. Generalising a set of proofs in Coq
  47. Generalizing existential variables in Coq
  48. Generalizing expressions under binders
  49. Generic equality lifting in Coq
  50. Hint Rewrite cannot infer parameter
  51. How can I automate counting within proofs in Coq?
  52. How can I generalise Coq proofs of an iff?
  53. How can I implement a Coq tactic that iterates over the hypotheses?
  54. How can I read Coq's definition of proj1_sig?
  55. How can I rewrite selectively in Coq?
  56. How can I use type arguments in an ltac?
  57. How could I make example for sigma type in Coq?
  58. How do I change a concrete variable to an existentially quantified var in a hypothesis?
  59. How do I provide implicit arguments explicitly in Coq?
  60. How do we know all Coq constructors are injective and disjoint?
  61. How do you lookup the definition or implementation of Coq proof tactics?
  62. How do you selectively simplify arguments to each time a function is called, without evaluating the function itself?
  63. How does auto interract with biconditional (iff)
  64. How does one inspect what more complicated tactics do in Coq step-by-step?
  65. How to add "assumed true" statements in Coq
  66. How to add to both sides of an equality in Coq
  67. How to apply a function once during simplification in Coq?
  68. How to debug tactic failure in a match goal branch?
  69. How to define an automatically unfoldable definition
  70. How to define axiom of a line as two points in Coq
  71. How to destruct pair equivalence in Coq?
  72. How to do cases with an inductive type in Coq
  73. How to do "negative" match in Ltac?
  74. How to forbid simpl tactic to unfold arithmetic expressions?
  75. How to import libraries in Coq?
  76. How to improve this proof?
  77. How to introduce a new existential condition from a witness in Coq?
  78. How to introduce a new variable in Coq?
  79. How to leave a goal unfinished in Coq
  80. How to leverage auto's searching and hint databases in custom tactics?
  81. How to make algebraic manipulations in Coq easier?
  82. How to name the assumption when remembering an expression?
  83. How to prove decidability of a partial order inductive predicate?
  84. How to prove equality from equality of Some
  85. How to prove False from obviously contradictory assumptions
  86. How to prove non-equality of terms produced by two different constructors of the same inductive in Coq?
  87. How to provide proof that two values are different?
  88. How to repeat proof tactics in case in Coq?
  89. How to replace a term with some property of the term?
  90. How to return a (intro'd) hypothesis back to the goal formula?
  91. How to save the current goal/subgoal as an assert lemma
  92. How to solve contradiction in Coq
  93. How to specialize nested hypotheses in Coq?
  94. How to specify explicit equality in Coq search patterns?
  95. How to step through semicolons separated tactics sequence in coqide?
  96. How to systematically normalize inequalities to < (lt) and <= (le) in Coq?
  97. How to turn an single unification variable into a goal, during proof
  98. How to unfold a recursive function just once in Coq
  99. How to use auto with repeat in custom tactics?
  100. How to use rewrite on a subexpression of the current goal
  101. How to write intermediate proof statements inside Coq - similar to how in Isar one has have Statement using Lemma1, Lemma2 by auto but in Coq?
  102. Idiomatic ways of selecting subterm to rewrite
  103. In Coq, How to construct an element of 'sig' type
  104. In Coq, how to remove a defined variable from the namespace?
  105. In Coq: inversion of existential quantifier with multiple variables, with one command?
  106. In Coq, which tactic to change the goal from S x = S y to x = y
  107. In-place simplification for Coq
  108. In the Coq tactics language, what is the difference between intro and intros
  109. Induction on predicates with product type arguments
  110. Induction on record member in Coq?
  111. Induction over relations
  112. Inductive definition for family of types
  113. Injectivity of inl and inr in standard library
  114. Instantiating an existential with a specific proof
  115. Interaction between type classes and auto tactic
  116. Inverting an obviously untrue hypothesis does not prove falsehood
  117. Is it possible to force induction tactic to produce more equations?
  118. Is there a eapply-like tactic that works on exists goals in Coq?
  119. Less or equal relation with largest element of natural number list
  120. Locating definition of a tactic in Coq proofs
  121. Ltac: optional arguments tactic
  122. Ltac pattern matching: why does forall x, ?P x not match forall x, x?
  123. Matching expression context under forall with Ltac
  124. Matching with Ltac on a call containing local variable
  125. Multiple successes in Coq branching and backtracking?
  126. Nested recursion and Program Fixpoint or Function
  127. Pattern-match on type in order to implement equality for existentially typed constructor in Coq
  128. Pattern matching using information from theorems
  129. Pose proof in Coq
  130. Problems with missing information in Obligations when defining using Program in Coq
  131. Proof automation in Coq how to factorize a proof
  132. Proof automation
  133. Proof by case analysis in Coq
  134. Proofs about constructors matched with _
  135. Proving forall x xs ys, subseq (x :: xs) ys -> subseq xs ys in Coq
  136. Proving uniqueness of an instance of an indexed inductive type
  137. Question about intros [=] and intros [= <- H]
  138. Reasoning about typeclass instance that has been picked up in a theorem?
  139. Recursive partial functions in Coq
  140. Rewrite single occurence in Ltac
  141. Rewrite under exists
  142. rewrite works for = but not for <-> (iff) in Coq
  143. Shorter notation for matching hypotheses in Coq?
  144. Show all axioms Coq
  145. Show theorem definition in Coq
  146. Some help dealing with inject/unject and vector types
  147. Split conjunction goal into subgoals
  148. Step by step simplification in Coq?
  149. Stuck on a simple proof about regular expressions
  150. Stuck on the proof of a simple Lemma: which induction should I use?
  151. Subtyping in Coq
  152. Tactic automation: simple decision procedure
  153. Transferring proof from Z to N in Coq
  154. Typeclass resolution and autorewrite
  155. Unable to find an instance for the variable
  156. Under what conditions does Eval cbv delta in expand a definition in Coq?
  157. Understanding specialize tactic
  158. Understanding the intros keyword work in Coq
  159. Unfold a notation within a scope
  160. Unfold notation in ltac
  161. Using an existential theorem in Coq
  162. Using dependent induction tactic to keep information while doing induction
  163. Using local notation inside a Coq theorem
  164. Vector : t A n = t A (n+0)?
  165. "Verbose" auto in Coq
  166. Wellfounded induction in Coq
  167. What does it mean when Coq expands a function as part of the goal?
  168. What does Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. mean in Coq?
  169. What does the tactic destruct do in the proof below?
  170. What does the tactic induction followed by a number do?
  171. What is difference between destruct and case_eq tactics in Coq?
  172. What <> is in Coq
  173. What is the difference between Axiom and Variable in Coq
  174. What is the difference between Lemma and Theorem in Coq
  175. What is the tactic that does nothing?
  176. What should be done when simpl does not reduce all the necessary steps?
  177. What's the difference between Program Fixpoint and Function in Coq?
  178. What's the difference between revert and generalize tactics in Coq?
  179. Where did lt_index go?
  180. Why can I not apply f_equal to a hypothesis?
  181. Why can I use the constructor tactic to prove reflexivity?
  182. Why can't I define the following CoFixpoint?
  183. Why Coq doesn't allow inversion, destruct, etc. when the goal is a Type?
  184. Why does Coq.Init.Logic define the notation A -> B?
  185. Why does use of Coq's setoid_replace ... by clause need an extra idtac?
  186. Why is following Coq rewrite not applying on right hand side of assumption?
  187. Why S n' =? S n' simplifies to n' =? n' in Coq?
  188. Why would the tactic exact be complete for Coq proofs?
  1. Best practices for parametrized Coq libraries
  2. Building a class hierarchy in Coq?
  3. Coq: a single notation for multiple constructors
  4. Coq: Derive argument from context
  5. Coq: easiest way to construct members of a decidable sigma type?
  6. Coq notation for multi type list
  7. Coq: typeclasses vs dependent records
  8. Coq: usage of PartialOrder typeclass
  9. Difference between parameters and members of a class
  10. How to set defaults for implicit arguments when they can't be inferred?
  11. Interaction between type classes and auto tactic
  12. Is it possible to declare type-dependent Notation in Coq?
  13. Reasoning about typeclass instance that has been picked up in a theorem?
  14. Recursive use of typeclass methods in Coq
  15. Tactic automation: simple decision procedure
  16. Typeclass resolution and autorewrite
  17. Using typeclass instances within typeclasses
  18. Why haven't newer dependently typed languages adopted SSReflect's approach?
  1. A simple case of universe inconsistency
  2. Church numerals and universe inconsistency
  3. How to solve goals with invalid type equalities in Coq?
  4. Inductive definition of boolean
  5. Recursion for Church encoding of equality
  6. What is a concrete example of the type Set and what is the meaning of Set?
  7. Why not have Prop : Set in Coq?
  1. Adding complete disjunctive assumption in Coq
  2. Can Coq intros pattern split at the rightmost opportunity for conjunction?
  3. Contradiction on natural number's zero test
  4. Coq: How to prove if statements involving strings?
  5. Coq induction on modulo
  6. Coq leb (<=?) does not give me an hypothesis after case or induction
  7. Eval compute is incomplete when own decidability is used in Coq
  8. even_Sn_not_even_n - apply 1 hypothesis in another
  9. How to make sublists in Coq?
  10. Merge duplicate cases in match Coq
  11. Pattern Matching with Even and Odd Cases
  12. Problems with dependent types in Coq proof assistant
  13. Using length of list X as an argument for a constructor of X in Coq
  14. Why S n' =? S n' simplifies to n' =? n' in Coq?
  1. Compute with a recursive function defined by well-defined induction
  2. Error in defining Ackermann in Coq
  3. How to do induction on the length of a list in Coq?
  4. How to prove that terms of a first-order language are well-founded?
  5. Proof leaking in Coq extraction?
  6. Proving Termination of Function in Coq
  7. Recursive partial functions in Coq
  8. Structural recursion on two arguments
  9. Stuck on the proof of a simple Lemma: which induction should I use?
  10. Teach Coq to check termination
  11. Understanding "well founded" proofs in Coq
  1. Coq: Associativity of relational composition
  2. Coq: eliminating forall?
  3. Coq path implementation
  4. Defining integers inductively in Coq (inductive definitions subject to relations)
  5. How do you prove in Coq that (e: p = p) = eq_refl?
  6. How proof assistants are implemented?
  7. How to write to a file, from Coq
  1. A Coq proof of a theorem which turns a formula containing y into a formula containing f(x)
  2. A simple case of universe inconsistency
  3. About the refine tactic in Coq
  4. Abstracting leads to a term ill-typed... yet well-typed
  5. Abstracting patterns in induction rule for inductive predicates for Coq
  6. Adding complete disjunctive assumption in Coq
  7. Agda-like programming in Coq/Proof General?
  8. All-quantified type variable in (value) constructor cannot be explicitly typed as wanted
  9. Apply rewrite tactic to sub-expression
  10. Applying a Program Definition fails with "unable to unify Prop with [goal]"
  11. Are all proofs of true = true the same?
  12. Assert a proposition on multiple witnesses
  13. Attempting to use proof irrelevance without creating ill-typed terms
  14. Best practices for an effective use of Coq's hint database
  15. Best practices for parametrized Coq libraries
  16. Best way to handle (sub) types of the form { x : nat | x >= 13 /x <= 19 }?
  17. Building a class hierarchy in Coq?
  18. Building up tree and decreasing argument of fix
  19. Call a theorem using let-in
  20. Can any one help me how to prove this theorem in Coq
  21. Can Coq intros pattern split at the rightmost opportunity for conjunction?
  22. Can I tell Coq to do induction from n to n + 2?
  23. Can one prove an equivalent to Forall_inv for heterogeneous lists in Coq?
  24. Can you prove Excluded Middle is wrong in Coq if I do not import classical logic
  25. Cannot determine termination
  26. Cannot rewrite goal with assertion?
  27. Can't automate a lemma that works manually in Coq
  28. Case analysis on evidence of equality type in Coq
  29. Change a function at one point
  30. Characteristic function of a union
  31. Church numerals and universe inconsistency
  32. Classical axioms implies every proposition is decidable?
  33. Closing a lemma on list of nats
  34. Compute if in a decideable prop in Coq
  35. Compute with a recursive function defined by well-defined induction
  36. Confused about pattern matching in Record constructions in Coq
  37. context expression in Coq
  38. Contradiction on natural number's zero test
  39. Coq: a left-recursive notation must have an explicit level
  40. Coq: a single notation for multiple constructors
  41. Coq adding a new variable instead of using the correct one
  42. Coq: adding a "strong induction" tactic
  43. Coq - Assign expression to variable
  44. Coq: Associativity of relational composition
  45. Coq auto tactic fails
  46. Coq: automate repeated rewriting
  47. Coq: cannot unify inductive types
  48. Coq can't compute a well-founded function on Z, but it works on nat
  49. Coq can't infer type parameter in match
  50. Coq can't see that two types are the same
  51. Coq - Coercion of list nat
  52. Coq: coercion/subtyping between complex expressions
  53. Coq coercions and goal matching
  54. Coq: controlling subst when we have many equalities
  55. Coq: Derive argument from context
  56. Coq: destruct (co)inductive hypothesis without losing information
  57. Coq: easiest way to construct members of a decidable sigma type?
  58. Coq: eliminating forall?
  59. Coq execution difference between semicolon ; and period .
  60. Coq: How are the equality tactics symmetry and transitivity defined?
  61. Coq: How to prove if statements involving strings?
  62. Coq: How to prove max a b <= a + b?
  63. Coq: How to refer to the types generated by a specific constructor?
  64. Coq identity term which is not eq_refl
  65. Coq: Implementation of split_string and proof that nothing gets deleted
  66. Coq Index Relation
  67. Coq induction on modulo
  68. Coq inference behavior
  69. Coq item 1.2.10 Type cast
  70. Coq leb (<=?) does not give me an hypothesis after case or induction
  71. Coq: local ltac definition
  72. Coq losing information from if-statement when doing recursive function with Program
  73. Coq notation for multi type list
  74. Coq - Obtaining equality from match statement
  75. Coq path implementation
  76. Coq produce instance of a type {x : T | P x} inside an explicit definition given an x of type T
  77. Coq: Prop versus Set in Type(n)
  78. Coq proving addition inequality
  79. Coq: Proving relation between < and <=
  80. Coq: Proving that the product of n and (S n) is even
  81. Coq QArith division by zero is zero, why?
  82. Coq Qed raise a warning with admitted lemmas
  83. Coq: Recursive definition of fibonacci is ill-formed
  84. Coq: Recursive Smart Constructors and Sigma types, how to avoid axioms
  85. Coq - return value of type which is equal to function return type
  86. Coq: rewrite preserving input hypothesis
  87. Coq - Rewriting a FMap Within a Relation
  88. Coq rewriting using lambda arguments
  89. Coq: Rewriting with forall in hypothesis or goal
  90. Coq: Testing partial convertibilty
  91. Coq theorem proving: Simple fraction law in peano arithmetic
  92. Coq: typeclasses vs dependent records
  93. Coq: unfolding class instances
  94. Coq: usage of PartialOrder typeclass
  95. Coq: viewing proof term during proof script writing
  96. Creating Coq tactic: how to use a newly generated name?
  97. Dealing with let-in expressions in current goal
  98. Decidable equality statement with Set vs. Prop
  99. Decide disjunctions in sort Prop
  100. decide equality for Mutually Recursive Types in Coq?
  101. Decoupling the data to be manipulated from the proofs that the manipulations are justified
  102. Decreasing argument (and what is a Program Fixpoint)
  103. Defining a function that returns one element satisfying the condition
  104. Defining integers inductively in Coq (inductive definitions subject to relations)
  105. Defining subtype relation in Coq
  106. Definition by property in Coq
  107. Definition vs Notation for constants
  108. Dependent Pair Types
  109. Dependent pattern matching
  110. Dependent type as a function argument in Coq
  111. Deriving facts on pattern matching in Coq
  112. Destruct if condition in program fixpoint Coq
  113. Destructing equality of dependent records in Coq
  114. Difference between parameters and members of a class
  115. Difference between sumbool and intuitionnistic disjunction
  116. Difference between type parameters and indices?
  117. Different induction principles for Prop and Type
  118. Display the original name of the imported module in Coq
  119. Does Gallina have holes like in Agda?
  120. Ease life in dependently typed programming using Function and Program in Coq
  121. Efficient Way of Defining Multiple Functions of the Same Type
  122. Eliminate redundant sub-goals generated by case analysis in Coq
  123. Equality in Coq for enumerated types
  124. Equality of dependent types and dependent values
  125. Equality on inductive types
  126. Error in defining Ackermann in Coq
  127. Error "Tactic failure: The relation (fun x y : BloodType => x <> y) is not a declared reflexive relation." when proving a theorem about function
  128. Eval compute is incomplete when own decidability is used in Coq
  129. even_Sn_not_even_n - apply 1 hypothesis in another
  130. Existential goals are filled in too soon
  131. Existential instantiation and generalization in coq
  132. Existential quantifier in Coq impredicative logic (System F)
  133. Expanding Recursive Functions In Coq
  134. Explain a simple operation in Coq
  135. Explanation transitivity of equal Coq
  136. Extensible tactic in Coq
  137. Fail to use let-destruct for tuple in Coq
  138. Finding a well founded relation to prove termination of a function that stops decreasing at some point
  139. Fixpoint with Prop inhabitant as argument
  140. Form of intros in Coq specifically for forall and explicitly for ->
  141. Function- and Type substitutions or Views in Coq
  142. General advice about when to use Prop and when to use bool
  143. Generalising a set of proofs in Coq
  144. Generalizing existential variables in Coq
  145. Generalizing expressions under binders
  146. Generic equality lifting in Coq
  147. Heterogeneous list in Coq
  148. Hint Rewrite cannot infer parameter
  149. How can I automate counting within proofs in Coq?
  150. How can I avoid stack overflow or segmentation fault in Coq nats?
  151. How can I construct terms in first-order logic using Coq?
  152. How can I generalise Coq proofs of an iff?
  153. How can I implement a Coq tactic that iterates over the hypotheses?
  154. How can I prove that she cannot prove Or_commutative with only intro and apply?
  155. How can I read Coq's definition of proj1_sig?
  156. How can I rewrite selectively in Coq?
  157. How can I use type arguments in an ltac?
  158. How can I write a function of the following form in Coq?
  159. How could I make example for sigma type in Coq?
  160. How do I change a concrete variable to an existentially quantified var in a hypothesis?
  161. How do I provide implicit arguments explicitly in Coq?
  162. How do we know all Coq constructors are injective and disjoint?
  163. How do you lookup the definition or implementation of Coq proof tactics?
  164. How do you make notations visible outside of a module signature in Coq?
  165. How do you prove in Coq that (e: p = p) = eq_refl?
  166. How do you selectively simplify arguments to each time a function is called, without evaluating the function itself?
  167. How does auto interract with biconditional (iff)
  168. How does decidable equality works with List.remove?
  169. How does one build the list of only true elements in Coq using dependent types?
  170. How does one define dependent type with named arguments in Coq without issues in unification in the constructors?
  171. How does one inspect what more complicated tactics do in Coq step-by-step?
  172. How proof assistants are implemented?
  173. How proof functions prove?
  174. How to add "assumed true" statements in Coq
  175. How to add to both sides of an equality in Coq
  176. How to add variables introduced by set tactic to a Hint DB?
  177. How to apply a function once during simplification in Coq?
  178. How to convert propositional formula to DNF in Coq
  179. How to deal with really large terms generated by Program Fixpoint in Coq?
  180. How to debug tactic failure in a match goal branch?
  181. How to define an automatically unfoldable definition
  182. How to define an inductive type and a definition at the same time?
  183. How to define axiom of a line as two points in Coq
  184. How to define set in Coq without defining set as a list of elements
  185. How to dependent match on a list with two elements?
  186. How to destruct pair equivalence in Coq?
  187. How to disable my custom notation in Coq?
  188. How to do cases with an inductive type in Coq
  189. How to do induction differently?
  190. How to do induction on the length of a list in Coq?
  191. How to do "negative" match in Ltac?
  192. How to enumerate set in Coq Ensemble
  193. How to extract the witness from exists in Coq in function notation/without destructing?
  194. How to "extract" Z from subset type {z : Z | z > 0}
  195. How to forbid simpl tactic to unfold arithmetic expressions?
  196. How to get an induction principle for nested fix
  197. How to give a counterxample in Coq?
  198. How to implement a union-find (disjoint set) data structure in Coq?
  199. How to import libraries in Coq?
  200. How to import the library Coq.Arith.PeanoNat in Coq?
  201. How to improve this proof?
  202. How to introduce a new existential condition from a witness in Coq?
  203. How to introduce a new variable in Coq?
  204. How to leave a goal unfinished in Coq
  205. How to leverage auto's searching and hint databases in custom tactics?
  206. How to make algebraic manipulations in Coq easier?
  207. How to make sublists in Coq?
  208. How to make use of information known about this function type in Coq
  209. How to match a match expression?
  210. How to name the assumption when remembering an expression?
  211. How to optimize a search in Coq
  212. How to prove decidability of a partial order inductive predicate?
  213. How to prove equality from equality of Some
  214. How to prove False from obviously contradictory assumptions
  215. How to prove non-equality of terms produced by two different constructors of the same inductive in Coq?
  216. How to prove that a number is prime using Znumtheory in Coq
  217. How to prove that another definition of permutation is the same as the Default Permutation Library for Coq
  218. How to prove that terms of a first-order language are well-founded?
  219. How to provide proof that two values are different?
  220. How to repeat proof tactics in case in Coq?
  221. How to replace a term with some property of the term?
  222. How to return a (intro'd) hypothesis back to the goal formula?
  223. How to save the current goal/subgoal as an assert lemma
  224. How to set defaults for implicit arguments when they can't be inferred?
  225. How to solve contradiction in Coq
  226. How to solve goals with invalid type equalities in Coq?
  227. How to specialize nested hypotheses in Coq?
  228. How to specify explicit equality in Coq search patterns?
  229. How to step through semicolons separated tactics sequence in coqide?
  230. How to systematically normalize inequalities to < (lt) and <= (le) in Coq?
  231. How to turn an single unification variable into a goal, during proof
  232. How to unfold a recursive function just once in Coq
  233. How to use a custom induction principle in Coq?
  234. How to use an unequality to simplify a if-then-else in Coq?
  235. How to use auto with repeat in custom tactics?
  236. How to use modules to hide lemmas in Coq?
  237. How to use rewrite on a subexpression of the current goal
  238. How to use the Lemma inside a module in Coq?
  239. How to write intermediate proof statements inside Coq - similar to how in Isar one has have Statement using Lemma1, Lemma2 by auto but in Coq?
  240. How to write to a file, from Coq
  241. I need help defining a concatenation in Coq
  242. Idiomatic ways of selecting subterm to rewrite
  243. Implementing vector addition in Coq
  244. Import vs. Include in Coq Module system
  245. Improving dependently typed reverse function
  246. In Coq, How to construct an element of 'sig' type
  247. In Coq, how to remove a defined variable from the namespace?
  248. In Coq, "if then else" allows non-boolean first argument?
  249. In Coq: inversion of existential quantifier with multiple variables, with one command?
  250. In Coq, is there a way to see the tactics applied by tauto?
  251. In Coq, which tactic to change the goal from S x = S y to x = y
  252. In-place simplification for Coq
  253. In the Coq tactics language, what is the difference between intro and intros
  254. Incorrect elimination of X in the inductive type or
  255. Induction on predicates with product type arguments
  256. Induction on record member in Coq?
  257. Induction over relations
  258. Induction principle for le
  259. Induction proofs on MSets
  260. Inductive definition for family of types
  261. Inductive definition of boolean
  262. Inductively defined dense vector lemmas
  263. Injectivity of inl and inr in standard library
  264. Inside a branch of a match block, how do I use the assertion that the matched expression is equal to the branch's data constructor expression?
  265. Instantiating an existential with a specific proof
  266. Interaction between type classes and auto tactic
  267. Interactive theorem proving with no specified goal
  268. Inversion produces unexpected existT in Coq
  269. Inverting an obviously untrue hypothesis does not prove falsehood
  270. Is it possible to declare type-dependent Notation in Coq?
  271. Is it possible to force induction tactic to produce more equations?
  272. Is there a eapply-like tactic that works on exists goals in Coq?
  273. Just a universally quantified hypotesis in Coq proof
  274. Lemma about list and rev list
  275. Lemma as a type in a record
  276. Less or equal relation with largest element of natural number list
  277. Lift existentials in Coq
  278. Local Inductive definitions and Theorems
  279. Locating definition of a tactic in Coq proofs
  280. Logic: auxilliry lemma for tr_rev_correct
  281. Ltac: optional arguments tactic
  282. Ltac pattern matching: why does forall x, ?P x not match forall x, x?
  283. make subset types compatible for function application
  284. Matching expression context under forall with Ltac
  285. Matching with Ltac on a call containing local variable
  286. Merge duplicate cases in match Coq
  287. Multiple successes in Coq branching and backtracking?
  288. Multiple where-clauses for Reserved Notation in Coq?
  289. mutual recursion on an inductive type and nat
  290. Nested recursion and Program Fixpoint or Function
  291. Non-positive occurrence due to polymorphic function
  292. Pattern-match on type in order to implement equality for existentially typed constructor in Coq
  293. Pattern matching using information from theorems
  294. Pattern Matching with Even and Odd Cases
  295. Pigeonhole proof without decidable equality or excluded middle
  296. Port a Coq lemma over Z to a similar lemma over nat
  297. Pose proof in Coq
  298. Problems with dependent types in Coq proof assistant
  299. Problems with missing information in Obligations when defining using Program in Coq
  300. Program Fixpoint: recursive call in let and hypothesis of the obligation
  301. Proof automation in Coq how to factorize a proof
  302. Proof automation
  303. Proof by case analysis in Coq
  304. Proof by contradiction in Coq
  305. Proof leaking in Coq extraction?
  306. Proof of the application of a substitution on a term
  307. Proofs about constructors matched with _
  308. Proofs of structural properties of arguments in match in coq
  309. Prove a constant is even
  310. Prove equality on Sigma-types
  311. Prove properties of lists
  312. Prove that the only zero-length vector is nil
  313. Proving a property on sets
  314. Proving decidability for a datatype that includes a vector
  315. Proving equivalence of two programs expressed as different types
  316. Proving even + even = even with mutual induction using tactics
  317. Proving False with negative inductive types in Coq
  318. Proving forall x xs ys, subseq (x :: xs) ys -> subseq xs ys in Coq
  319. Proving increasing iota in Coq
  320. Proving termination in Coq
  321. Proving Termination of Function in Coq
  322. Proving that s-expressions printing is injective
  323. Proving uniqueness of an instance of an indexed inductive type
  324. Question about intros [=] and intros [= <- H]
  325. Reasoning about lists in Coq
  326. Reasoning about typeclass instance that has been picked up in a theorem?
  327. Record and Definition
  328. Record equality in Coq
  329. Recursion for Church encoding of equality
  330. Recursive partial functions in Coq
  331. Recursive use of typeclass methods in Coq
  332. Redundant clause in match
  333. Relation between types prod and sig in Coq
  334. Removing the last element of a sized list in Coq
  335. Removing trivial match clause in Coq
  336. Renaming part of hypothesis in Coq
  337. Representing Higher-Order Functors as Containers in Coq
  338. Require, Import, Require Import
  339. Retrieving constraints from GADT to ensure exhaustion of pattern matching in Coq
  340. Returning a record from a definition in Coq
  341. Rewrite single occurence in Ltac
  342. Rewrite under exists
  343. rewrite works for = but not for <-> (iff) in Coq
  344. Rewriting hypothesis to false with a contradictory theorem
  345. Section mechanism in Coq. Forbid omitting of hypotheses from context
  346. SF Volume 1: Logic: How to prove tr_rev <-> rev?
  347. Shorter notation for matching hypotheses in Coq?
  348. Show all axioms Coq
  349. Show theorem definition in Coq
  350. Some help dealing with inject/unject and vector types
  351. Specialization of module argument in Coq
  352. Split conjunction goal into subgoals
  353. Step by step simplification in Coq?
  354. Stronger completeness axiom for real numbers in Coq
  355. Structural recursion on two arguments
  356. Stuck on a simple proof about regular expressions
  357. Stuck on the proof of a simple Lemma: which induction should I use?
  358. Subset parameter
  359. Subtyping in Coq
  360. Syntax error with < in Coq notations
  361. Tactic automation: simple decision procedure
  362. Teach Coq to check termination
  363. Transferring proof from Z to N in Coq
  364. Transform casual list into dependently typed list in Coq
  365. Transitivity of -> in Coq
  366. Transitivity of subsequence in Coq
  367. Trouble writing my notation for natural numbers in Coq
  368. Turn off automatic induction principle in Coq
  369. Type encapsulation in Coq
  370. Typeclass resolution and autorewrite
  371. Typeclasses with multiple fields vs. single field in Coq / Unexpected behaviour of Compute command
  372. Unable to find an instance for the variable
  373. Under what conditions does Eval cbv delta in expand a definition in Coq?
  374. Understanding how pattern matching works in Coq
  375. Understanding specialize tactic
  376. Understanding the intros keyword work in Coq
  377. Understanding "well founded" proofs in Coq
  378. Unfold a notation within a scope
  379. Unfold notation in ltac
  380. Use module signature definition in module implementation
  381. Using an existential theorem in Coq
  382. Using dependent induction tactic to keep information while doing induction
  383. Using dependent types in Coq (safe nth function)
  384. Using Implicit Type Class Parameters in Coq Notation
  385. Using induction starting from 1 in Coq
  386. Using length of list X as an argument for a constructor of X in Coq
  387. Using local notation inside a Coq theorem
  388. Using Omega to prove a lemma in Coq
  389. Using typeclass instances within typeclasses
  390. Vector error: The type of this term is a product
  391. Vector : t A n = t A (n+0)?
  392. "Verbose" auto in Coq
  393. Wellfounded induction in Coq
  394. What does it mean when Coq expands a function as part of the goal?
  395. What does Proof. simpl. reflexivity. Qed. mean in Coq?
  396. What does the tactic destruct do in the proof below?
  397. What does the tactic induction followed by a number do?
  398. What is a concrete example of the type Set and what is the meaning of Set?
  399. What is Coq's type system doing in this example?
  400. What is difference between destruct and case_eq tactics in Coq?
  401. What is eq_rect and where is it defined in Coq?
  402. What <> is in Coq
  403. What is the difference between Axiom and Variable in Coq
  404. What is the difference between Lemma and Theorem in Coq
  405. What is the tactic that does nothing?
  406. What should be done when simpl does not reduce all the necessary steps?
  407. What's the difference between Program Fixpoint and Function in Coq?
  408. What's the difference between revert and generalize tactics in Coq?
  409. When are the constructors of an inductive type exhaustive?
  410. Where did lt_index go?
  411. Which vector library to use in Coq?
  412. Why are logical connectives and booleans separate in Coq?
  413. Why can I not apply f_equal to a hypothesis?
  414. Why can I use the constructor tactic to prove reflexivity?
  415. Why can't Coq infer the that 0 + n = n in this dependently typed program?
  416. Why can't I define the following CoFixpoint?
  417. Why Coq doesn't allow inversion, destruct, etc. when the goal is a Type?
  418. Why do Calculus of Construction based languages use Setoids so much?
  419. Why does Coq.Init.Logic define the notation A -> B?
  420. Why does Coq's typechecker reject my map definition?
  421. Why does nesting the induction tactic also nest the inductive hypotheses under a lambda?
  422. Why does this Coq Definition fail? Coq Namespace error for Inductive Type
  423. Why does use of Coq's setoid_replace ... by clause need an extra idtac?
  424. Why haven't newer dependently typed languages adopted SSReflect's approach?
  425. Why is following Coq rewrite not applying on right hand side of assumption?
  426. Why is my recursive definition of list_min ill-formed?
  427. Why not have Prop : Set in Coq?
  428. Why S n' =? S n' simplifies to n' =? n' in Coq?
  429. Why would the tactic exact be complete for Coq proofs?